The story "Angel": a summary. "Angel" Andreeva

The story "Angel": a summary. "Angel" Andreeva
The story "Angel": a summary. "Angel" Andreeva

Considered the founder of Russian expressionism writer of the late 19th - early 20th century Leonid Andreev. "Angel" - a program work of the writer, which is a short Christmas story.

About the product

summary of angel andreeva
summary of angel andreeva

The work was dedicated to the wife of the writer Alexandra Mikhailovna Veligorskaya and has an autobiographical basis. As a child, L. N. Andreev saw how a similar Christmas angel melted, which was described in the story. With the help of the fragility of the wax angel, the writer shows how fleeting the happiness of destitute and humiliated people is. You can also correlate the toy with the image of a guardian angel.

Blok praised Andreev's work and in 1909 wrote a poem based on it called "The Leaf Angel". In addition, the poet compared Andreev's work with Dostoevsky's story "A Boy at Christ's Tree" and wrote that Sasha was forcibly brought to a holiday paradise. And everything there was, as is customary in decent houses - peaceful, simple and bad.

Summary: Andreev's "Angel"

The main character of the story is the boy Sasha, who has a bold and rebellious soul. He cannot calmly look at the evil that is happening around him and takes revenge on life. He expresses his protest in the following way: he beat his comrades, tore textbooks, was rude to his superiors and deceived his mother and parents.

Just before Christmas, the boy is expelled from the gymnasium. However, despite this, Sasha is invited to a rich house for a Christmas tree.

Ivan Savvich, Sasha's father, a drunkard and long-degraded man, but in his heart he remained a good fellow. He asks his son to bring something from the Christmas tree before he leaves to visit.

Being in a big beautiful house was very uncomfortable. This "evil boy", as they called him, looked at the beautiful, clean and well-fed children, and it seemed to him that the "iron hands" squeezed his heart in a vise and squeezed out the blood to the last drop.


l n andreev
l n andreev

Describes the moment of rebirth of the protagonist summary (“Angel” by Andreev). The reader sees how suddenly Sasha's "narrow eyes" begin to gleam in amazement. What was the reason for this? The thing turned out to be that on one side of the Christmas tree, which was considered to be its underside, it was less illuminated and was turned towards the boy, he saw a wax angel. It was hung casually among the dense dark branches, and it seemed as if it was floating in the air. This is exactly what the surrounding landscape lacked.

Sashka saw that the angel's face was by no means full of joy or sadness, it testified to a completely different feeling. This feeling could not be put into words or definedthought, it could be understood "only by the same feeling." The boy did not know what force attracted him to the toy, but he was sure that he had always known this angel and loved it.


Our summary is coming to an end. Andreev's "Angel" is a very heartfelt, but at the same time sad story. The protagonist, fascinated by the sight of an angel, begins to beg for a toy from the hostess. At first he does it rudely, but then he gets on his knees. The owner finally agrees. Sasha rejoices. And in this world, everyone notices the similarity of the face of an angel and this clumsy high school student who has long grown out of his clothes.

leonid andreev angel
leonid andreev angel

The boy brings home a toy. His father is also shocked. They begin to experience similar feelings, looking at the angel. Both soon fall asleep. The wax angel remains hanging by the melted stove. The toy begins to melt, and now he is already falling to the floor "with a soft thud." It is not clear whether this encounter with the miraculous toy will be the beginning of the miracle or its end. This ends the story - we have outlined its summary. Andreev's "Angel" made a great impression on the writer's contemporaries. However, the story managed to remain relevant today.
