Andrey Klimnyuk: biography and creativity

Andrey Klimnyuk: biography and creativity
Andrey Klimnyuk: biography and creativity

Today we will talk about who Andrey Klimnyuk is. All songs of this artist can be attributed to the genre of Russian chanson. He presented the work "April" to lovers of the thieves' yard song and urban romance. This man lived for less than 55 years. After the death of the musician, his romantic, lyrical, patriotic compositions remained.

Childhood and youth

Andrey Klimnyuk was born in Siberia, in 1964, in September. The first years of the life of the future chansonnier were spent in Minusinsk, military service threw his father into this city. Soon he was transferred to Novosibirsk. Little Andrei and his mother also moved behind his father. History is silent about which of the family members was endowed with hearing and played music, but a creative spark flared early in the future performer.


andrey klimnyuk all songs
andrey klimnyuk all songs

Andriy Klimnyuk after demobilization had no doubts about the further choice of his life path. Having chosen a musical direction, this man worked tirelessly. But Andrei Klimnyuk decided to release his debut disc called "Volyushka" only ten years afterreturned from Afghanistan in 1999

The first collection of compositions, which included the song "April", was warmly received throughout the country. The success of the musician inspired, he also thanked the fans in 1999 by recording three more albums, they were combined into a single "three-volume" called "From Afghanistan to Chechnya".

These works embodied the strongest impressions received in the service in a boiling "boiler", these were unimagined stories from the times lived in a hot spot. In the "zero" years, the chansonnier pleased fans with two records with the telling names "Katorzhansky" and "Bosyatskaya Luck".

Every year the musician presented 2-3 new collections, which were warmly welcomed by fans of the genre. The covers of the albums "The Tale of Convict Years", "Kolyma", "From Places of Deprivation" can tell about life in the North.

Paying tribute to the grandfathers and fathers who defended the country during the war, Andrey wrote several dozen patriotic compositions, from which the collections "Soldier's Song", "Songs Sung by the Heart", "Rota", "Cranes" were formed.

andrey klimnyuk albums
andrey klimnyuk albums

The singer toured Russia, gave concerts in neighboring countries, performed in Chechnya in front of soldiers, sang in places of detention, where they waited with special trepidation for the appearance of a chansonnier. The performer's touring geography is extensive, but he spent about two-thirds of the concerts beyond the Urals in large and small cities.

This man was a long-awaited, but rare guest in Sochi, Rostov, St. Petersburg. His concerts were sold out. Together with representatives of the Union of paratroopersTransbaikalia and Russia, the performer recorded an album, which was called "For the Airborne Forces". He also collected a collector's edition, called the Anthology of Afghan Song 1979-1989.

This work consists of ten discs. One of Andrey's brightest works was released in 2013. This album was called "Constellation Magadan". The chansonnier was inspired to record this record by an acquaintance with a man who spent 25 years in prison in Kolyma. An acquaintance of the author traveled around the harsh edge.

Private life

klimnyuk andrey
klimnyuk andrey

Andrey Klimnyuk was married. Wife Olga shared her husband's interests, she recorded 3 copyright records of chanson. The woman is known to connoisseurs of prison lyrics and urban romance under the pseudonym Vika Magadan. All love lyrics in Klimnyuk's songs and poems are dedicated to his beloved woman.

The couple had a son. Andrey died in 2018, in Novosibirsk. The musician's relatives did not name the reason for his death. Chansonnier was a little under 54 years old. They decided to bury the musician in his hometown.


Andrey Klimnyuk's albums are very numerous, the first of them was released in 1999 and was called "Volyushka". The performer also released the following records: “Slut”, “Our steam locomotive”, “From one yard”, “Special Forces of Russia”, “April”, “For the Airborne Forces”, “Songs sung by the heart”, “Cranes”, “Afghan”, "The Tale of hard labor years", "Kolyma", "From places of deprivation", "Bosyat luck", "From Afghanistan to Chechnya".
