This guy turned the world upside down! How to draw Naruto

This guy turned the world upside down! How to draw Naruto
This guy turned the world upside down! How to draw Naruto

The first series of "Naruto" saw the world in 2007, but despite this, the main character with extraordinary willpower and determination continues to find fans around the world today. Many fans, sooner or later imbued with the atmosphere of the work, are wondering: "How to draw Naruto?" Today we will look at several ways.

naruto and hinata
naruto and hinata

The head is the beginning

So, how to draw Naruto step by step? First of all, a novice artist should familiarize himself with drawing the character's head, and only then proceed to build the body based on its proportions. For a frontal view, that is, a front view, draw an egg that looks down with a sharp part. Next, draw a vertical line in it that symmetrically divides the "egg" in half. Then two horizontal lines between which the character's eyes will be located (the upper horizontal line will serve as a border for the ears, which are drawn with two semicircular lines).

Naruto's eyesslanted, like a true Japanese, so in their drawing there is something similar to the image of a parabola on the chart. The upper line of the eye should be slightly fatter than the lower one: its thickness indicates the density of the eyelashes. Draw a circle within the eye - this is the lens. Put a dot in the middle of the lens - the pupil. Around the point, hatch several lines from the center to the edge of the iris, which will give the eyes volume and expressiveness. Don't forget wide eyebrows.

how to draw naruto
how to draw naruto

Closer to the chin, draw a wide horizontal line - the mouth, its ends should be slightly rounded up. Just above the mouth, make two small lines - the nose. The horizontal lines on the cheeks, three on each side, are indicative of the Nine-Tailed Fox Demon sealed within Naruto. Drawing "antennae" is very simple.

In the upper third of the outline of the face, draw a rectangle, and then round its edges down a little to give the impression of a girth of the head. Inside the large rectangle, draw a small one that repeats its shape. Emphasize volume by duplicating the bottom line of the small rectangle. Then, in the middle, draw the sign of the village of the hidden leaf and the rivet studs that frame it: attention to detail makes the work more professional and authentic.

Draw a convex semicircular line over the egg: it will serve as a guide for creating a hairstyle. Fill in the semi-circle with zigzag lines that mimic strands of puffy hair. Also make a couple of strands falling over the bandage.

Head final image
Head final image

Come backto the chin, draw two symmetrical lines depicting the neck, and continue them with the shoulders. Creating these lines can be compared to drawing the neck of a jug. Draw a rectangle and round its edges towards the chin. The collar, as an invariable element of Naruto's tracksuit, should be moderately tightly wrapped around the neck. Along the perimeter of the gate, make vertical lines that do not reach the end, located at a certain interval. In the middle of the gate, make two symmetrical and closely spaced vertical lines, fill them with transverse hatching, and draw a small rectangle closer to the chin. This will be the "dog" for the lightning. Run a piping along the edge of the collar: a wavy line that will convey the texture and stretch of the fabric. On this, congratulations: you learned how to draw Naruto with a pencil!

Full length

So, you have decided to create a full-length character! To begin with, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the proportions of the human body. The body should consist of "six to seven heads" - this is the ideal length. Now get ready to learn how to draw Naruto in all its glory.

Create a wireframe with simple lines, each representing a part of the body. At the junction of the lines, use circles that will depict the elbow joints and kneecaps. Draw palms, feet, and most importantly, an egg-shaped head with spots. If the character is looking sideways, draw a sphere on top of the egg to represent the skull. Draw a vertical line, which will, depending on the angle, have a different position (it will be shifted to the left or right and indicate the centerfaces). Use lines to mark the location of the eyes.

Now work on the skeleton of the body: draw two more lines around the center lines, creating volume and forming Naruto's muscle mass. Add more details: sketch out the clothes and hairstyle of the character. When you're done, pay more attention to the details: studs, straps, facial features.

naruto full length
naruto full length

The next step is to remove all unnecessary lines, leaving a clean outline. If you have corrected the sketch and erased it many times, transfer the final drawing to a new sheet to continue.

Next, paint over the drawing using watercolors, or scan the image to convert it into electronic form. Use your favorite graphic editor to colorize the sketch. Surprise your friends and show them how to draw Naruto anime!

Chibi Babies

chibi naruto
chibi naruto

We have not told you all the ways to draw Naruto. After mastering the previous steps, you can create cute stylized characters. It is impossible to look at them without smiling! It is important to remember here that they have different proportions: the head is disproportionately large, and its length fits three times the length of the body.


Today we told you how to draw Naruto. Use the acquired knowledge to develop talent. Creative success to you!
