Laura Gorbunova: biography and creativity

Laura Gorbunova: biography and creativity
Laura Gorbunova: biography and creativity

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In this material we present to your attention the biography of Laura Gorbunova. Often, talented people simultaneously manifest themselves in various genres: they play in the theater, act in films, dance and sing. This rule fully applies to the participant of the sixth season of the Voice project Laura Gorbunova. Since childhood, this girl has not left the stage, devoting herself to acting, and recently she decided to try her hand as a performer. If you look at her position in the competition, you can call this attempt very successful.

Early years

Gorbunova Laura
Gorbunova Laura

Laura Gorbunova was born in a creative family. Her mother is a pianist, her grandmother is an actress with a director's education, her great-grandmother is an opera singer. The successor of a gifted family was born in Khabarovsk on January 7, 1988. From an early age, the girl showed different images and sang. It was difficult for her to choose the direction of creativity between music and acting.


Gorbunova Laura singer
Gorbunova Laura singer

Lora Gorbunova, playing in the theater, was repeatedly forced to perform songs, remainingmore of an actress than a singer. In 2017, the girl's beloved grandmother passed away, after which Laura wanted to fulfill her old dream and applied to the Voice project. It was the grandmother who dreamed of seeing her granddaughter on television. A few minutes before the end of the reception, she submitted her application.

A girl with an incredibly sonorous voice was invited to take part in the casting. Unlike other applicants who perform two or three songs, Laura demonstrated her abilities in one song - "Life in Pink". This is a composition by Edith Piaf. The jury led by Yuri Aksyuta drew attention to the vocalist and allowed the girl to the stage of "blind auditions".

Laura was skipped further on the condition that at the next stage she will perform the same song in the same image, it turned out to be too atmospheric. A particularly exciting stage of "blind auditions" has come. The girl sang in French exactly the song that allowed her to pass the last selection.

Private life

Gorbunova Laura voice
Gorbunova Laura voice

Laura Gorbunova's first marriage was unsuccessful. Being a twenty-year-old actress of the Khabarovsk theater, the girl fell in love with a colleague, he was 13 years older than her. When the girl wanted to go to Moscow in order to start her studies at the theater, her husband did not support the chosen one, since his career was developing successfully in the local theater, he did not want to change anything.

Lora Gorbunova chose her path and went to another city. Periodically returning after the session, she often saw her husband drunk. According to the girl, over time, the husband began todrink for a few days. The last straw for her was the moment when her husband raised his hand to her. After that, the girl filed for a divorce and went to Moscow.

The singer married a second time. Semyon, director and screenwriter, became her husband. The husband supports the girl in everything. Laura is currently best known as a member of the Voice project.

She is supported in her creative ideas by her husband Semyon, brother-musician and mother. With her husband, they take care of a couple of cats, prepare to celebrate their wedding anniversary, and also start thinking about children.
