Irina Grineva: filmography of the actress

Irina Grineva: filmography of the actress
Irina Grineva: filmography of the actress

Effective, bright theater and film actress, an active participant in television projects, Irina Grineva is known for her diverse images in more than 40 films and dozens of performances. In addition, she is the winner of several prestigious awards, a wonderful wife and an ideal mother.

irina grineva
irina grineva

Young years

The actress was born on February 6, 1973 in the city of Kazan in the family of a retired colonel and a failed actress. Irina's mother wanted to become an actress, but she had to give up her dream because of the opposition of her relatives, and then for the sake of her family. Irina Grineva dreamed of becoming an actress from an early age. Even without knowing the name of the profession, she pointed to the TV screen and claimed that, having matured, she would definitely get “there”. The girl's dream was greatly facilitated by her mother, who took Irina to theatrical performances, to the cinema, recited Shakespeare's tragedies and Pushkin's poems to her.

The girl was actively involved in ballet and was even noticed by the commission of the Mariinsky Theater, who came to Kazan to select young talents for the Academy of Russian Ballet. But Irina's grandmother did not dare to let her only granddaughter go to St. Petersburg, postponing the development of the girl's careerfor many years.

Time for creative throwing

Having reached the age of 16, the future actress Irina Grineva nevertheless managed to escape from the tenacious embrace of family ties and went to enter the capital's theater school. Spending the night at the Kazan railway station, the girl tried to enter all universities at once, but the commission stubbornly did not want to give her the opportunity to fulfill her dream. Suffering

irina grineva biography
irina grineva biography

a crushing fiasco and not wanting to return to her hometown with nothing, the stubborn Irina still passes the entrance exams to the Yaroslavl Theater Institute. In parallel with her studies, she is studying at the Vasiliev School of Dramatic Art on the course of expressive plasticity.

Participation in performances

1993 was marked by Irina's first theatrical work - in the play "The Hopscotch Game", where she played the role of Magi, for which she was awarded the "Best Debut" award.

Five years later, the actress was accepted into the Stanislavsky troupe at the Moscow Theater, where she played the roles of Olivia ("Twelfth Night"), Marina Mnishek ("Boris Godunov"), Nina ("Masquerade"), Ophelia ("Hamlet”), Dashi (“This and that light”). Irina Grineva, whose biography is moving to a new creative level, gets a chance to prove to everyone that she was not mistaken in choosing a profession.

Movie roles

Brilliant debut in the theater opens the way for the talented actress to the Russian cinema. In 1998, Irina was invited to play the role of Lyudmila in the TV series The Impostors. A brilliantly played supporting role helps to advance her acting career. Two years later sheoffer a role in Vladimir Fokin's dramatic film "House for the Rich", where she plays Anna Kazimirovna. Having received the Kinoshock award for his extraordinary talent at the XI festival dedicated to

Filmography of Irina Grineva
Filmography of Irina Grineva

cinema of the CIS and B altic countries, and then the "Seagull" prize and the title of the most seductive woman, Irina Grineva becomes a recognized aspiring movie star and receives one role after another. The fame of the actress brings the film "Always Say Always", where she plays the role of a stylish and slightly bitchy secretary Daria. The series becomes the most important project in Irina's career, her popularity is growing, and her filmography is replenished with the drama "Shield of Minerva", in which she gets the role of Diana, the popular TV series "My Personal Enemy" (the image of a famous TV presenter) and the main role in the serial film "Flip". The diversity of the embodied images, the whole dedication to the cause, perseverance distinguish Irina from other actresses. She is equally successful in any role - comedy, drama, crime, and the number of her fans is growing before our eyes.

Participation in films

The filmography of Irina Grineva currently includes about 40 films, and Irina bears the unofficial title of the most reliable actress. Consider the chronology of her participation in films:

  • "Imposters" (Luda);
  • "House for the rich" (Anna Kazimirovna);
  • "Farewell Dr. Freud!" (Mariasha);
  • "Always say always" (Daria);
  • "Dream Illusion" (Lelya);
  • "Station" (Zhanna);
  • "My personal enemy" (TV presenter VictoriaTerekhin);
  • "Flip" (Maria Dolgova);
  • actress irina grineva
    actress irina grineva
  • "I'm staying" (Julia);
  • "Year of the Golden Fish" (Lada);
  • "Sad Lady of Hearts" (Karina);
  • "Vacations of Love" (Eugenia);
  • Touch the Sky (Taya);
  • Moore. Third Front” (Actress Marina Flerova);
  • "Mom reluctantly" (Tatiana);
  • "After School" (Ulyana);
  • "Thursday the 12th" (Julia);
  • "In one breath" (Marina).

The presented list is not the whole filmography of Irina Grineva. The creative role of the actress is diverse - from the role of a sad romantic girl to a spectacular, brilliant secular lady. No wonder her work has received many prestigious film awards.

An active actress, acting in numerous films, manages to participate in other projects, such as "Two Stars", where she impressed the audience with her musical talent paired with Grigory Leps. Irina Grineva is also a well-known model of famous French fashion houses and designer of dresses in the style of the 50s. One can only be surprised and wait in what other area the talent of her multifaceted nature will manifest itself.
