Biography of Valery Zalkin is still unsaid

Biography of Valery Zalkin is still unsaid
Biography of Valery Zalkin is still unsaid

Unfortunately, the biography of Valery Zalkin today is replete with gaps. There is no reliable data on exactly when and where the singer was born. Even the famous all-knowing Wikipedia cannot help with this. According to some sources, he spent his childhood in the Ukrainian town of Stakhanov, according to others - in Donetsk. Only the mother was engaged in raising the boy (the family was inferior); it is clear that there was no extra money, and Valera could not study at a music school. He began to study music as a young man, when, after graduating from school, he moved to Kharkiv.

biography of Valery Zalkin
biography of Valery Zalkin

Valery Zalkin's creative biography began with mastering the piano. He independently comprehended all the wisdom of playing this instrument and created his first group. At that time, Valera was undergoing treatment in a factory dispensary, so the group was recruited from the same factory guys who were passionate about music. The name of the team was extraordinary - "Scoundrels". It was in the early 80s, the guys traveled around the nearest villages with theirspeeches. On one of them, the vocalist's voice broke, and Valery began to sing songs himself.

It didn't last very long. Soon the group broke up, but Zalkin was offered to take the place of the bass player in the Kharkiv ensemble Madrigal, which performs classical music. But such a biography of Valery Zalkin did not suit him. Already in the late 80s, he began to use various recreation centers, invited musicians and rehearsed his own repertoire - after all, he was more interested in personal work. In 1994, Zalkina heard Kamill Shuvaev (once he was an arranger for Rotaru and the Valley), he advised the singer to focus on his own work. Valera followed the advice, recorded a cassette with his work, and soon it was replicated by the Posad company.

Valery Zalkin biography
Valery Zalkin biography

In 1996, his songs were heard at the Moscow firm "Master Sound". They offered the singer a contract, and already in 1997 his first disc was released, which is remembered for its unusual manner of performance. A kind of backyard pop with compassionate, full of suffering melodies. Evil tongues claim that it was only with this manner of performance that Valery Zalkin stood out among all others. The biography of the singer contains information that it was during that period that Valera was at the peak of success. Songs such as "Autumn", "Lonely Lilac Branch" and "Night Rain" became very popular. But the Master Sound company soon stopped promoting him as a performer, his popularity slowly began to subside, and in addition, the factory where he worked all this time was closed.

Further biography of Valery Zalkintells about life in Moscow. He arrives in the capital of Russia, unsuccessfully trying to get a job in construction teams, but he finds a job as a teacher of children's vocals in one of the recreation centers. He was taken there without a musical education only because the salary was too meager, and there were simply no people willing to work there. He also gets a job as a watchman at one of the recording studios. It is there that he secretly records his most popular song, "The Lonely Lilac Branch". The head of the studio did not punish him and even allowed him to record his album at night, which the students who had already managed to fall in love with their teacher were looking forward to with great impatience.

Valery Zalkin photo
Valery Zalkin photo

In 1999, on the basis of a children's pop singing circle, the group “Dolls for rent” was created. It was the first teenage ensemble in Russia. It consists of girls 15-16 years old, and Valery Zalkin writes songs for them (the photo of the group is presented to your attention). The team very quickly becomes popular, they participate on the TV-6 channel in a music competition and win. But, perhaps, it was this victory that led to further unpleasant events. There were rumors that the prize in the mentioned competition was intended for a completely different group. Channel TV-6 saw propaganda of pedophilia in the song “Tears were dripping” and banned the performance of “Dolls for Rent” on their airs. Then followed an anonymous denunciation of Valery Zalkin to the relevant authorities. All audio and video materials were confiscated from him, although that was the end of the matter. Then followed an attempt to poison the singer. But, despite all these dirty tricks,"Dolls for rent" gave more than 20 concerts in Germany. A tour of Russia has already begun to prepare. However, unexpectedly for everyone, Zalkin leaves the project. He drops everything and leaves Moscow. Later it became known that the tragic death of his mother served as the reason for this. The group "Dolls for rent" without him lasted no more than six months, and no one has reliable information about the future fate of the singer. According to rumors, he went to wander around the world on foot, but still promised to return again…
