Ulanov Andrey: the story of one creative duet

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Ulanov Andrey: the story of one creative duet
Ulanov Andrey: the story of one creative duet

Video: Ulanov Andrey: the story of one creative duet

Video: Ulanov Andrey: the story of one creative duet
Video: Alexey Vorobyov how he lives, how much he earns and what kind of real estate he owns 2024, June

Two characters, two opposite views on life, two completely different characters came together in the novel "Plus and Minus". But what is surprising, despite the "difference" in the author's styles of the two science fiction writers, it turned out to be a bright, lively work. Of course, as in any book in the fantasy and detective genre, there are chases and pursuits here. But most importantly, it has understanding and wisdom. In a word, acceptance of another person.

ulanov andrey
ulanov andrey

Mysterious Author

The writer carefully hides his real name, writes under the pseudonym Andrey Ulanov. Biography of the author of the public is not known. Just a few facts. Andrey Ulanov was born on 1976-22-01 in Kyiv. He entered the RAU, but did not finish his studies. Interested in firearms. Interested in military history. Now lives in the capital of Latvia – Riga.

Such different worlds

Andrey Ulanov's creative debut was the novel "From America with Love". For this work, the author was awarded in 2005 the “Prize them. Titus Livia”, which is awarded to science fiction writers for achievements in an alternative historical format. Ulanov Andrei writes books in the genre of combat fiction, alternative history and fantasy. His works fromhumor, where facts of military history are often found. He wrote the first books in collaboration with V. Serebryakov.

But the creative tandem with Olga Gromyko, a writer from Belarus, brought incredible success. Olga writes vividly, brightly, with details. Books are very easy to read, they are distinguished by irony, often turning into sarcasm. The main characters of her books are trolls, witches, werewolves, vampires, dragons. As an author, Olga made her debut in 2003 with the novel Profession: Witch, winning the Sword Without a Name prize for it.

andrey ulanov
andrey ulanov

Creative tandem

Two science fiction writers, Andrei Ulanov and Olga Gromyko, each with their own style, methods and favorite topics, choose a completely different genre. Their readers were in for a surprise - there was little left of fantasy in their joint novel. The novel Plus and Minus is more of a love story, a detective story and an action-packed drama. She is a "fifa-blonde" who resolves people's conflicts and is deceived by her beloved. He is a hero who returned from the war, "a bit shifted", besides, he was betrayed by a girl. But now they are partners.

Their unwillingness to work together does not bother anyone - snap at each other in your free time, and work, whatever one may say, you will be together. Of course, it wasn't just work. On their very first trip together, they get into trouble, and they have to put an end to their free time. Together they will hide from the killers, the police and their own bosses. Together they will look for reasons, evidence and figure out who and why dragged them into this case.

It turned out that "Fifa" drives a car perfectly, inHe is fluent in swearing, loves fishing and is not afraid to go on exploration. And next to the "shell-shocked psycho" safely and calmly. He knows how not only to get a rabbit, but also to cook a delicious stew from it. She knows the habits of the undead, he has combat experience. Yes, they are perfect partners!

In this detective story, every insignificant detail will play its role. But, given that the detective is also "ironic", the characters will do a lot of stupid things. How else? If the main character is blonde. It should be noted that the authors Andrey Ulanov and Olga Gromyko "played their characters" wonderfully. In this novel, there are chases, and the search for clues, and difficulties with the undead, and even happy love. But this is not the essence of the work.

First of all, here is the understanding and acceptance of another person. About how difficult it is to be around completely different people. Love not "for", but "in spite of". Quarrel and save from stray bullets, put up and insist on your own. Two heroes, two opposite characters, two views on life from different angles. “Plus by minus” is rather not an addition, but a multiplication of the strengths of the authors. Ulanov Andrey and Olga Gromyko are worthy of all praise for their unusual creative approach and wonderful romance.

ulanov andrey books
ulanov andrey books

Idea and writing process

The idea of co-authorship belongs to Andrey Ulanov. One day, by the way, he offered to write a joint book. Since the matter took place at the convention, there were always fellow writers nearby, it was not possible to discuss the idea. Things did not go beyond the promises. Ulanov Andrey worked on "Princesssergeant", Olga - over the "Flower of the Kamaleynik".

Having finished work on another book in the fantasy genre, Olga thought about it - she wanted variety. A file with sketches of text caught my eye. So, small notes, but it's a pity to throw them away. I knocked on Andrei's door at Mail. Ru Agent. He doubted. He has experience writing collaborative books, but it's one thing if the co-author lives within walking distance of you. It is quite another to write with a person who is also "a few", but hours of flight.

Once again, when Olga “knocked” at the Agent with her idea, he agreed. We agreed on a joint story, and she sent him the first piece of text. Ulanov Andrey replied. Olga read, looked - liked it. So piece by piece, page by page, they wrote. As the authors recall, "the fun began", they worked almost around the clock, but it's very exciting - you not only write your own, but read someone else's text.

andrey ulanov biography
andrey ulanov biography

Perhaps the most difficult thing was to come to terms with someone else's style, co-authors recall. Olga tried to rewrite after Andrey, to fit her text, but the charisma of the main character disappeared without a trace. Most of the dialogues are written in "Agent" - line by line. As a result, after several chapters of their creation, the co-authors watched with pleasure how the difference in styles complemented each other, and as a result, a voluminous, luxurious “picture” was obtained.

"Cosmobiolukhi" is another wonderful novel created by the creative duo Olga Gromyko and Andrey Ulanov.
