Dramatic story of creation. "The Master and Margarita" - a novel about eternal love and creative power

Dramatic story of creation. "The Master and Margarita" - a novel about eternal love and creative power
Dramatic story of creation. "The Master and Margarita" - a novel about eternal love and creative power

It often happens that certain books have an interesting and dramatic history of creation. "Master and Margarita", this immortal masterpiece is a vivid representative of just such a situation. The idea of the novel arises long before its first printing, and even more so the film adaptation. Back in 1928, Woland and his retinue became the first characters in it. Then the author assumed that he would name his work differently, because he was conceived as a novel about the devil.

At that time, the history of creation survived three names. "The Master and Margarita", as the name of the book, appeared much later. Bulgakov suggested three titles: "Consultant with a Hoof", "Black Magician" and "Engineer's Hoof". The book "The Great Chancellor" has recently been published, in which every lover of the author's work can familiarize himself with the first editorial versions. By the way, Mikhail Afanasyevich personally destroyed most of them. Later, the writer tries to resume writing the book, but his overwork, both physical and psychological, prevents him from doing so.

the history of the creation of the master and margarita
the history of the creation of the master and margarita

The beginning of work on a novel is accompanied by a difficult period in the life of the creator, and all these blows, one way or another, reflect the history of creation. "The Master and Margarita" at some point ceased to be created at all, even in a handwritten version. Moreover, almost all the drafts that existed at that time were burned, a couple of notebooks and several sketches of various chapters were preserved. The author's works are prohibited, they are considered hostile to the life system of that time. This is what has a significant impact on the work on the book.

the history of the creation of the novel the master and margarita
the history of the creation of the novel the master and margarita

Margarita appears in the plan only in 1932, followed by the Master. It is no coincidence that a woman in love is included in the plot, her image is entirely consistent with Bulgakov's wife. For the next two years, the author works on his manuscripts and does not hope to see the work printed. In eight years of work, he is finishing the draft version, and it is already the sixth in a row!

The structure of the novel takes shape only in 1937, we can say that this ends the main story of creation, The Master and Margarita, finally gets its name, as well as the plot, which no longer changes in the future. However, the work does not stop until the author's last breath, most of the amendments to the work are made by Bulgakov's wife.

The author's obsession with the novel did not go unnoticed, his wife sets herself one single goal - to achieve the publication of the book. Elena Sergeevna retypes the manuscript and independently makes minor changes.changes. The Moscow magazine was the first to be lucky enough to acquaint the world with this immortal creation, a masterpiece of Russian literature. Then in 1967 it is published in Paris and translated into several European languages. As for Russia, here the full text of the work appears only in 1973. The history of the creation of the novel "The Master and Margarita" lasts almost half a century, but its genre has not yet been determined.

master and margarita history of creation
master and margarita history of creation

Thus, the novel "The Master and Margarita" is a reflection of the life of the creator, the history of its creation is closely intertwined with the whole plot. The fate of the Master and Bulgakov are two unusually similar life lines. He sees his duty, as a creator, in restoring faith in higher ideals to humanity, reminding him of the search for truth. And the novel about eternal love and creative power is a clear confirmation of this.
