A bright biography of Eduard Khil

A bright biography of Eduard Khil
A bright biography of Eduard Khil

"Mr. Trololo" - under this name, Eduard Khil has been known in recent years, whose biography will be given below. In 1974 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the then RSFSR. And although today this talented and sunny person is no longer with us, his songs continue to warm people's hearts.

biography of eduard khil
biography of eduard khil

Biography of Eduard Khil. Childhood

As the artist himself said, the year of his birth was 1933 (the city of Smolensk), but during the Second World War his documents were lost, and in the new ones they made a mistake, indicating the year of birth in 1934. Edward's father, Anatoly, worked as a mechanic, and his mother Elena worked as an accountant. However, before the start of the war, they divorced. Soon another person appeared in the family - Edward's stepfather.

Khil's childhood fell on difficult war years. The boy was then evacuated, after which he ended up in an orphanage, located in the Ufa village of Raevskiy. Edward had a hard time there. Several times he tried to run away to the front, but he was constantly brought back, because he was then only 9 years old.

Fortunately mother andstepfather survived, and after the liberation of Smolensk, the family was reunited. True, Eduard Khil, due to malnutrition, began to suffer from dystrophy. But he got better pretty soon.

eduard khil biography
eduard khil biography

Biography of Eduard Khil. Youth

In 1949, Khil decided to enter the printing college and went to Leningrad for this. He successfully passed the exams and became a 1st year student. Even then, the young man was very interested in art in many of its manifestations and, at the same time as studying at a technical school, he attended classes at an opera studio, went to an evening music school, studied painting, and also worked at an offset printing factory.

Among other things, Eduard Khil graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory in 1960, immediately after which he became a soloist of the Lenconcert. Along with singing, he was interested in acting.

Biography of Eduard Khil. Career Blossom

Eduard Khil even had a successful start to his career. He managed to conquer everyone with his voice and talent, performing parts in the works of Shostakovich, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Mozart, Aubert and many others. In the early 60s, the aspiring singer became a laureate of the White Nights festival.

Eduard Khil years of life
Eduard Khil years of life

Khil's talent was noticed and appreciated by Leonid Utesov himself, who introduced the young man to the Moscow stage of the Central House of Arts in 1962. Three years later, the singer became a participant in the Soviet Song Festival.

By the end of the 60s, Eduard Khil participated in all the Blue Lights. In addition, he recorded a record on whichsang children's fairy tale songs. In the 70s, several giant discs were released, which collected the best compositions performed by Eduard Khil. Since then, he has been one of the most welcome guests at various concerts.

Biography of Eduard Khil. Later years

In 2010, a clip appeared on the Internet, in which Khil sings a cheerful song. This video collected millions of views, thanks to which the artist became popular again, not only in our country, but also abroad, especially in Britain. From 2010 to 2012, he played numerous concerts, including in clubs where young people came.

However, in 2012 it became known that Eduard Khil, whose years of life passed so brightly, died as a result of a stroke.
