Desperate Bakugan Fighters animated series: actors, plot, short description

Desperate Bakugan Fighters animated series: actors, plot, short description
Desperate Bakugan Fighters animated series: actors, plot, short description

All over the world, children began to find mysterious cards that fell from the sky. The cards depicted unusual worlds and amazing monsters. Each monster had a certain ability. Striking finds spawned a new game. No one could have thought that an interesting discovery would threaten all life on Earth. So begins season 1 of the animated series Bakugan Desperate Fighters. The voice actors did an excellent job and gave the created characters their voices. Needless to say, this largely determined the success of the series?

bakugan desperate fighters the animated series actors
bakugan desperate fighters the animated series actors

General information about the series


  • Genre: adventure, fantasy.
  • Director: Hashimoto Mitsuo
  • Studio: TMS.
  • Japan release: April 5, 2007.
  • Exit to the screens of Russia: April 5, 2007.
  • Audience: kodomo (children under 12).



  • Bakugan Battle Brawlers (TV-1) - 51 episodes.
  • Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia (TV-2) - 52 episodes.
  • Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Gundalian Invaders (TV-3) - 39 episodes.
  • Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge (TV-4) - 46 episodes.

1 and 2 seasons of Bakugan Desperate Fighters were released in 2007 and 2008. Two years later, other seasons of the animated series called "Gandelian Invasion" and "Mehtanium Impulse" were filmed.

bakugan desperate fighters season 2
bakugan desperate fighters season 2

Desperate Bakugan Fighters Season 1

In the first season, we get to know the main characters of the animated series and the voice actors (seiyuu). The main character's name is Dan Kuzo, he is an ordinary American teenager living in a quiet provincial town. One day the boy becomes the owner of mysterious cards. A game called "Bakugan" quickly attracts the attention of the hero. Soon the guy realizes that the unusual monsters in the pictures are not toys at all. The creatures are quite real, have unique skills and are able to reach quite large sizes.

bakugan desperate fighters the animated series actors season 1
bakugan desperate fighters the animated series actors season 1

Among the contestants is a mysterious man named Mask. Being subordinate to a certain Hel-J, he decides to establish dominance on Earth and Vestroy - the planet where strange creatures came from. After gathering the best players, The Mask and his subordinates send the Bakugan of the defeated opponents to the Death Dimension. A group of teenagers will have to enter into an unequal battle with evil andtry to save both worlds.

Desperate Bakugan Fighters: Season 2

It's been more than two years since we said goodbye to our beloved Bakugan. Almost forgotten about the game, Dan runs into Drago and finds out that Bakugan needs help. Taking their best friend Marucho with them, the characters of Season 2 of Bakugan Desperate Fighters travel to New Vestroia. The abode of monsters is captured by the Vex - the mighty inhabitants of the planet Vestal. Most of the people of Vestal are peace-loving Vestas. Vex turn out to be fighters, and each member of the group is a master of one of the six elements. Dan meets the organizers of the Resistance Front, after which he will have to face the next enemies and free his friends from alien invaders.

After Bakugan Desperate Fighters season 2, the creators of the series did not stop there and soon released more than 80 episodes of the popular anime.

bakugan desperate fighters season 2 characters
bakugan desperate fighters season 2 characters

Main characters

In all seasons of the animated series Bakugan Desperate Fighters, the actors voiced the same characters, and there were no significant changes in their composition. The main characters of the animated series are presented in the table.

Character Seiyu - actors of the animated series "Bakugan Desperate Fighters" Bakugan Element
Dan Kuzo is a schoolboy living in Wardinckton. He has a quick temper and never doubts his abilities. Head and founder of the Bakugan Desperate Fighters. wishestake the lead in the game Yu Kobayashi Dragonoid Drago. Chief among the Bakugan. Initially fought under a contract, but ended up with Dan Pyros (Fire)
Marucho Marukura is the smartest on the team. The son of a multi-billionaire. Perfectly familiar with electronic technology Ryo Hirohashi Preyas is a half-human, half-lizard. Has a cheerful character, likes to joke. Able to change the element to Darkus (Darkness) Aquas (Water)

Runo Kuzo is Dan's lover. Hates being underestimated just because she is a girl. She is in love with Dan, but does not admit it even to herself until the last. Always gets into an argument with the main character on every issue

Eri Sendai Tigress Tigrerra. Being devoted and judicious, she acts as a reliable comrade who can always be trusted. Shows respect for his mistress by calling her mistress Chaos (Light)
Shun Kazami) - before the appearance of the Mask, he was the best player. He prefers to achieve everything on his own, rather closed and avoids unnecessary conversations. Has been friends with Dan since childhood Chihiro Suzuki Skyress is a phoenix bird. Cold-blooded and resolute in battle, always ready to support her partner Ventus (Wind)
Jully Trail is an optimistic fashionista, very naive, tries not tonotice the negative Risa Mizun Gorem is a gigantic giant. Slowness in battle is compensated by the huge force of blows Sapterra (Earth)
Alice Kazami is a kind and attractive girl who works at the Runo family's cafe. He is well versed in the game, although he does not participate in it Mamiko Noto

Photos of Bakugan Desperate Fighters characters can be seen below.

bakugan desperate fighters characters photo
bakugan desperate fighters characters photo

Adaptation of the series

The actors of the animated series "Desperate Bakugan Fighters" did their best, putting passion and excitement into the voices of their characters, fear of an unknown enemy and the joy of a long-awaited victory. It is not surprising that anime has received recognition among fans of this genre. Since the series' release, several video games have been released that certainly deserve attention.

A board game was also introduced: metal magnetic balls became the personification of Bakugan, and cards revealed the essence of creatures after interacting with a magnet. Standing on a card containing one of the 6 elements, Bakugan receives the corresponding effects: an increase in attack power or strengthening defense. If Bakugan of rivals are on one card, then the battle monster that has collected the most power points captures the field and is declared the winner in the battle. The one who wins three wins wins.
