Genius Shakespeare. Summary of Macbeth

Genius Shakespeare. Summary of Macbeth
Genius Shakespeare. Summary of Macbeth

One of the best plays by the legendary playwright is undoubtedly Macbeth. Shakespeare created this tragedy in 1623, dedicating it to the events that took place in his homeland in the distant eleventh century. Until now, its plot is relevant and instructive, as it illuminates human vices in detail. It is not for nothing that the play constantly attracts the attention of contemporaries: it is staged in the best theaters of the world, films are made on its basis. Moreover, more than one writer, inspired by a brilliant work, created his own masterpiece.

Summary of Macbeth
Summary of Macbeth

Summary of "Macbeth" can be reduced to the following: the all-consuming passion of a person who seeks power. This vice can embrace everyone, not excluding an honest and noble warrior. On the way to obtaining unlimited power, all means are good for him. Although at first the main character resisted: his wife wanted to become a queen. But at the end of the play, the reader sees a character who has completely changed: instead of the brave and ambitious commander, hardened by battles, which Macbeth was at the beginning, he faces a tyrant, stained with blood. Hiscruelty is so great that the people can no longer endure. Having lost his mind, the king sees enemies in everyone, so he shamelessly kills not only his henchmen and like-minded people, but also their families. Women and children fell victim to the bloody satrap.

If you haven't read the whole play, you can get acquainted with the plot through the summary. "Macbeth" begins with a conversation between three witches who talk about life, and also agree on the next sabbat. In the midst of a conversation, two friends come to them, to whom they predict fate. One is predicted career growth, which will end with the royal crown. Macbeth, who has won a number of brilliant victories, sincerely believes in prophecy. The other has been told that he will become the ancestor of kings, but Banquo does not take them seriously. The king generously endowed the commanders with awards, titles and gifts, but was treacherously killed. Lady Macbeth, wanting to hasten a good future, incites her husband to commit a crime. Moreover, she laughs at her husband, who is ashamed to kill the monarch in his house, reproaching him for sensitivity and cowardice.

"Macbeth" Shakespeare
"Macbeth" Shakespeare

Summary of "Macbeth" will help you find out how the main character degrades as a person, his heart becomes callous, he stops at nothing. Having removed the main rivals from the path, he becomes king. However, fearing betrayal, he brutally cracks down on everyone who can claim the throne. Duncan, Banquo, Macduff were overtaken by the killers. The king goes to the witches to find out his future fate. But his fate is already sealed.the rightful heir to the throne raised the people to rebellion, enlisted the support of neighbors and defeated the cruel tyrant.

"Macbeth" Shakespeare summary
"Macbeth" Shakespeare summary

No matter how detailed the summary is, Macbeth is best read in its entirety. The retelling will not be able to convey the true atmosphere of the work, its melodious language, mood, empathy of the author with the difficult fate of the motherland and his heroes. Therefore, it is better to read the play in its entirety, preferably in the original, and not in translation. Shakespeare considered the drama "Macbeth" (a summary of it is given above) to be one of the main works of his life. It is no coincidence that she still does not cease to excite the minds of readers and viewers.
