Riddles about goodness as an expression of a moral and ethical category

Riddles about goodness as an expression of a moral and ethical category
Riddles about goodness as an expression of a moral and ethical category

Riddles have long been recognized as one of the favorite genres of folklore. They are presented in the form of whimsical, allegorical questions.

Expression of the moral and ethical category of goodness

The essence of many riddles is to understand what concept is hidden behind the allegorical form. The riddle becomes a kind of test that a person with a developed imaginative thinking can pass, able to see the answer behind an absurd form. The answer often does not even lie on the surface, but, on the contrary, confuses and makes it difficult to understand what is being said.

The sacred meaning of the ritual of riddles

The riddle has deep sacred roots. During the rite of initiation into adulthood, they were tested with the help of riddles. There was a whole system of prohibitions associated with the time when it was impossible to make them. Answers to riddles are similar to the act of birth from disparate parts of a whole concept. The questions and concepts contained in them are always connected with the main life values, and the answer is the comprehension of being.

what are the mysteries of goodness
what are the mysteries of goodness

Guessing and guessing riddles was also a popular entertainment for people, an indispensable element of various gatherings, parties. With the help of riddles it was possibleshow your ingenuity and show yourself without being judged by others. Although, of course, its main purpose is for a person to understand and subjugate the phenomena of life and nature.

Riddle as a tool of didactics

Earlier, the riddle was a tool of public education, with the help of which children learned the names and signs of things, studied the world around them. In such an unobtrusive way, the guys comprehended reality, developed the ability to think, their own language and associative thinking.

Riddles about goodness

In Russian folklore there are riddles about all the phenomena of life. Including there are riddles about goodness. Solving them, children not only learn to think and express thoughts correctly, but also acquire knowledge about such a moral and ethical category.

good riddles
good riddles

What are the mysteries of goodness and what do they teach?

  1. The dynamics of the riddle is based on the dialogue: "Which head can feed a hundred hands?" (Answer: kind).
  2. Sometimes the basis for constructing a riddle is denial: "Do not brag about silver, but brag about …" (Answer: good).
  3. It always contains a description of the signs of an object that must be guessed: "Who wants to be polite, does not offend kids?" (Answer: kind person).
  4. "Well, who will always help, who can rescue a friend?" (Answer: good friend).

Thus, by making riddles, the child not only learns to understand the allegorical language, but also to distinguish between the categories of good and evil.
