European lotteries: characteristics and rules of participation

European lotteries: characteristics and rules of participation
European lotteries: characteristics and rules of participation

Europe's lotteries are increasingly attracting Russian citizens. This is due to the fact that the credibility of Russian lotteries is falling, and also due to huge jackpots, which Russian prizes will never be compared with. Below are the most popular lotteries in Europe, which anyone can play on their own or through intermediaries.

EuroMillions Lottery - Euromillions

The most famous lottery not only in Europe but all over the world. Its popularity can be easily explained. It is quite old, the first draw was made in 1994. The number of participants includes about 9 countries, so the jackpot can be hundreds of thousands of euros. Its rules, like all numerical lotteries, are simple, you need to guess 5 numbers out of 50 and 1 out of 12.

The draws are broadcast live on BBC Channel 1 on Tuesdays and Fridays. If the jackpot winner is not determined, then the prize goes to the next draw. The maximum jackpot is €190 million and can be played 4 times in a row. If there is no winner, then the jackpot will be distributed among the winners of the next category. The chance of winning the top prize is approximately 1 in 140 million. You can win atwithin six months after the draw.

Only residents of participating countries and people who bought tickets while in the territory of such a state can take part in the lottery. But there is an opportunity to participate in the lottery for all other people - this is to buy a ticket through intermediaries. There are a lot of sites that sell lottery tickets. An important rule is that the participant must be an adult, i.e. over 18 years old. For UK citizens, the minimum age is 16. Taxes on winnings vary depending on the country in which the ticket was purchased.

Lotteries in Europe
Lotteries in Europe

"Viking lotto" - Viking lotto

Lottery was established in 1993, comes out once a week. In Russia, it is practically unknown, although it is an interstate one and includes 8 participating countries.

Lottery rules: you must guess 6 numbers out of 48 and 1 out of 8. One ticket can be bought for the next 10 draws. The jackpot is rolling. Lottery prizes are tax free.

You can play the lottery through the Internet and an intermediary.

"Eurojackpot" - Eurojackpot

The Eurojackpot lottery covers more than 15 participating countries, it was created in 2012 in the likeness of EuroMillions. According to the rules of the lottery, you must guess 5 numbers out of 50 and 2 out of 10. The draws are broadcast on the Yle TV1 channel once a week.

The weekly jackpot is 10 million euros. The maximum amount can reach 90 million euros. After reaching the maximum amount, if the jackpot is not drawn, allthe funds received from the sale of tickets are distributed among the winners of other categories. This will continue until the jackpot has been drawn. The chance to win the main prize is 1 in 95 million.

Adult residents of the participating countries or people who bought tickets on their territory can take part in the lottery without intermediaries, as well as in Euromillions.

lottery tickets europe
lottery tickets europe

UK National Lottery

Began its activity more than 20 years ago, in 1994. The lottery is tax-free and the jackpots are among the largest in Europe, amounting to millions of pounds. The lottery combines several draws:

  • "Lotto". Rules of the game: you need to guess 6 numbers out of 59. The chance to win is 1 out of 14 million. The lottery is broadcast live on the BBC channel twice a week. Prizes are paid out in a lump sum.
  • "Hot set". This is a continuation of the game "Lotto". Players choose the number of balls they will guess and their numbers.
  • "Thunderball". You need to guess 5 numbers out of 39 and one thunder ball out of 14. The draw is held 3 times a week on BBC 1. The chance of winning is 1 to 8 million.

Residents or visitors to the UK can take part, other people can purchase tickets through an intermediary. People who are in the UK or the Isle of Man and have a bank account in these territories are eligible to buy tickets on the lottery website.

Lottery for residence in Europe
Lottery for residence in Europe

Spanish National Christmas Lottery El Gordo Navidad ("El Gordo Navidad")

The Christmas Spanish lottery, which appeared in 1812, takes place only once a year before Catholic Christmas - December 22nd. "El Gordo Navidad" is not just a lottery, it is a whole national event. Because of the main prize, it is very popular, the jackpot is several million euros, and the prize pool is several billion euros. 70% of proceeds from ticket sales go to the game fund.

The rules of the lottery are different from others. The ticket has its number from 0 to 99999 and consists of 10 parts. In total, 180 tickets with the same numbers are issued. Full tickets cost about 200 euros and the chance of winning is 1 in 3. You can buy only part of the ticket. Often people cooperate and buy a full ticket together.

At the moment of drawing two reels are spinning, in one - ticket numbers, in the second - prize amounts. The minimum win is 1,000 euros, and there are 100 prizes in total. A nice bonus of this lottery is that the prize is not divided among several winners, but the full value of the prize is paid to each.

Only residents and guests of Spain can participate without intermediaries.

European lotteries. Who can play?
European lotteries. Who can play?

Italian National Lottery Super Enalotto ("Super Enalotto")

Italian lottery, the first drawings of which were held in 1997. Jackpot without limits can be transferred from one draw to another, because the chance to winthe main prize is negligible and amounts to 1 to 622 million. It is necessary to guess 6 numbers out of 90. To increase the chance of winning, in addition to the 6 mandatory balls, one additional "Jolly Ball" has been introduced. The lottery is broadcast three times a week. Prizes are tax-free and can be paid as a lump sum or in annual payments.

French National Lottery - Lotto

According to statistics, a third of the French take part in lotteries. "Lotto" began its activity in 1936 and now takes place 3 times a week. The jackpot starts at two million euros, which is the minimum guaranteed super prize. If it is not played, it goes to the next draw, and another million euros are added to it. This can go on for 30 draws in a row.

Lottery rules - you need to guess 5 numbers out of 49 and 1 (the so-called "Lucky number") out of 10. Only adult citizens who bought a ticket in France can participate in the lottery. Online sales are not possible. The ticket gives the right to play in ten draws. One combination can be used 1 to 5 times in a row. It is possible to use multibets. Lottery prizes are tax free.

Lottery residence permit in Europe
Lottery residence permit in Europe

German National Lottery - Deutsche lotto

Held since 1974 2 times a week. The lottery is wholly owned by the state. To win the main prize, you need to guess 6 numbers out of 49 and 1 out of 9. The super prize is rolling and increases until the winner is determined. Lottery prizes are nottaxed.

Adult residents and guests of Germany can play. Everyone else can try their luck through intermediaries.

Lotteries in Europe. Reviews
Lotteries in Europe. Reviews

The list of lotteries in Europe can be listed for a long time. After all, almost every country has its own national lotteries.

Intermediaries in the world's lotteries

Who can play Europe's lotteries? Most European lotteries provide for a personal presence when buying a ticket. But this condition is helped by intermediaries who buy tickets in a particular country on behalf of the client and make the appropriate rates. If the client wins, then small winnings are transferred to the client's account, and he can pick up large ones himself in the country of the draw or instruct an intermediary to do this.

There are a lot of such people, and not all of them are respectable. Therefore, before buying a European lottery ticket on any site, you must carefully study the intermediary page and various forums, read reviews about it. But there is always a risk with a big win that the intermediary will declare itself bankrupt or simply disappear with all the money won.

European lotteries. List
European lotteries. List

Victories of Russians in European lotteries

Winning the jackpot in the European lottery is a dream of many, because it will not only ensure a comfortable life for many years, but may also be the basis for obtaining a residence permit in Europe. Lotteries open up many possibilities. Some countries have as grounds for obtaining a residence permit:

  • Purchasing real estate.
  • Investing money in the country's economy.

Therefore, along with a large cash prize can be obtained through the lottery and residence in Europe. Despite such prospects, there are no major lottery winners in Russia. There is a common explanation for this - our compatriots practically do not play in the European lottery. Here is the risk of running into fraudulent intermediaries, and rather high ticket prices, and elementary ignorance that you can play foreign lotteries. But according to reviews of European lotteries, one can understand that there are winnings among Russians, and sometimes they reach several thousand euros.
