Actor Ivan Parshin: biography, career and personal life

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Actor Ivan Parshin: biography, career and personal life
Actor Ivan Parshin: biography, career and personal life

Video: Actor Ivan Parshin: biography, career and personal life

Video: Actor Ivan Parshin: biography, career and personal life
Video: Как Живет Эммануэль Макрон И Сколько Он Зарабатывает 2024, June

Our today's hero is Ivan Parshin. The name of this actor is not known to many. However, he made a significant contribution to the development of Russian cinema. Do you want to know what films Parshin starred in? Are you interested in his biography and personal life? All the necessary information is presented in the article.

Ivan Parshin
Ivan Parshin

Ivan Parshin: biography

He was born on June 1, 1973 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). In what family was he brought up? Ivan's parents are educated and intelligent people. Father and mother are professional actors. Sergei Ivanovich Parshin worked at the Alexandrinsky Theater from 1973 to 2002. But Sergei Ivanovich is still acting in films.

From an early age, our hero began to show creative abilities. The boy loved to sing, dance and draw. The father often took his son with him to rehearsals and performances. Backstage life attracted Ivan. Parshin Jr. dreamed of becoming an actor.

School years

In 1980, our hero went to first grade. A fair-haired boy with a radiant smile quickly got used to the new team. Teachers always praised Vanya for hisefforts and craving for knowledge.

Like many Soviet children, Parshin attended various circles - aircraft modeling, drawing and so on. Thanks to this, he received a comprehensive development.


At the time of graduating from high school, Ivan Parshin had already decided on his future profession. He was going to fulfill his old dream - to become a professional actor. The guy submitted documents to SPbGATI. He successfully passed the entrance examinations and was enrolled in the course of Dmitry Astrakhan.


In 1996, I. Parshin received a diploma of graduation from the university. Unlike other SPbGATI graduates, he did not have to look for a job. After all, a year earlier he was accepted into the troupe of the Alexandrinsky Theater. Immediately after that, there was talk that he got there through "pull". After all, it was in the Alexandrinsky Theater that Parshin Sr. served.

The local artistic director saw great talent and creative prospects in the young actor. Ivan Parshin could be seen in such performances as Milady, Flowers for Charlie, Boris Godunov and others.

In a short time, our hero managed to win over the spoiled theatrical audience. But he continued to dream of filming in a big movie.

Ivan parshin movies
Ivan parshin movies

Ivan Parshin: movies

In 1985, he participated in the extras during the filming of the film "In the Shooting Wilderness". Parshin does not consider this a great achievement.

The actor got his first role as a student. He starred in the film of his master Dmitry Astrakhan - "You are my only one." It happened in 1993. Ivan got a small role. Parshin successfully got used to the image of the brother of the main character - Alexei Kolivanov. The guy appeared before the audience in only a few scenes. Therefore, the actor did not have to memorize large texts.

In 1995, Dmitry Astrakhan again decides to use Parshin in his film "Everything will be fine." It was a cameo.

At some point, Ivan Parshin decides to move away from the acting profession. Together with his family, he leaves for Germany. In the town of Osnabrück, our hero was engaged in the construction business. At first, things were going well for him. But every year the competition in this area only increased.

In 1998, the Parshins returned to their homeland. Ivan Sergeevich again began to act in films. In the same year, a picture with his participation - "Love of Evil" was released. A short break followed. And all because in the cinema, as well as in the country as a whole, difficult financial times have come.

On the screens, our hero reappeared only in 2001. He played a waiter in the movie Vovochka. In subsequent years, Parshin starred in detective and crime series (“Deadly Force-3”, “Streets of Broken Lanterns-5”, “Pure for Life”).

Sea Devils

A graduate of SPbGATI used to be content with episodic and secondary roles. But in 2005 everything changed. His film career went up after the launch of the series "Sea Devils" on one of the channels. Parshin was approved for the main role. After the first series, the actor woke up famous. The image he created of the lieutenant commander, nicknamed Bison, was immediately remembered and lovedviewers.

Ivan Parshin biography
Ivan Parshin biography

Continuing career

After the success of "Sea Devils", directors and producers literally flooded Ivan Sergeevich with proposals for cooperation. The actor carefully studied the scenarios, choosing the most interesting ones.

Let's list the most striking and memorable films with the participation of I. Parshin:

  • "Vepr" (2006) - Phil.
  • "Foundry" (2008) - surgeon.
  • "Disappeared" (2009) - Stepan.
  • "Retribution" (2011) - Director of the fashion house.
  • "Brotherhood of the landing" (2012) - Leonid Isaev.
  • "Passion for Chapay" (2012) - Zhukov.
Ivan Parshin personal life
Ivan Parshin personal life

Private life

Our hero cannot be called a conqueror of women's hearts. In his youth, he was not popular with the opposite sex. However, after the guy began acting in films, he had a whole army of fans.

A successful career and family - that's what Ivan Parshin dreamed of. For a long time, his personal life was in second place. But everything changed after meeting a girl named Venus. Their relationship developed rapidly. Soon the lovers got married. Only close friends and relatives of the bride and groom were invited to the celebration.

In 1998, the couple had their first child - a charming son. The boy was named Nicholas. The actor tried to spend more time with his beloved wife and tiny son. He himself swaddled Kolenka, bathed him and played with him.

In 2001, Venus gave Ivan a secondchild - daughter Eugene. This joyful event rallied the spouses even more. Now they are dreaming of a third baby.

In conclusion

Now you know who Ivan Parshin is. We wish this wonderful actor creative success and family happiness!
