Baratynsky: "Confession". Features of creativity

Baratynsky: "Confession". Features of creativity
Baratynsky: "Confession". Features of creativity

The beginning of the 19th century brought to Russia a large number of wonderful poets, of which we mostly remember only Lermontov and Pushkin. Nevertheless, one of the brightest representatives of the 19th century poetic circle was Yevgeny Abramovich Baratynsky.

Brief biography of Baratynsky

Baratynsky grew up in the family of a retired lieutenant general and maid of honor to Empress Maria Feodorovna. As a child, he wanted to devote himself to the naval service, he entered the most prestigious educational institution of the empire - the Corps of Pages. Four years later, Baratynsky was expelled with a ban on entering the public service, which left a significant mark on his biography.

For several years, Baratynsky leaves for a village in the Smolensk province, where he begins to write poetry.

In 1819 he entered the Jaeger Regiment in St. Petersburg. Meets Delvig, Pushkin, Vyazemsky, Kuchelbecker. Starts printing his first poems. Becomes a regular guest of friendly poetry evenings.

After being promoted, he lives in Finland for some time. For a long time he led a quiet, calm, solitary life. After permission to be at the headquartersGeneral begins to rotate in secular circles. Yevgeny is fond of the general's wife - the image of Zakrevskaya is then repeatedly traced in his work.

Agrafena Zakrevskaya
Agrafena Zakrevskaya

In connection with the illness of his mother, he retires and leaves for Moscow, where he marries. After the publication of the poems "Eda" and "Feasts", he becomes a well-known and desired author in many magazines and almanacs, in particular, in Delvig's journal "Northern Flowers" and Polevoy's "Moscow Telegraph".

After the uprising of the Decembrists, he goes into private life, considering it impossible for a close relationship between the poet and the government. Continues to write for literary magazines, manage his estate, attend literary meetings.

In 1843 he went on a trip to Europe, where he died suddenly in 1844.

Baratynsky Museum in Kazan
Baratynsky Museum in Kazan

Characteristic features of creativity

Baratynsky was characterized by a long work on his works. Thanks to this, he became one of the prominent Romantic poets of his time. His work is characterized by:

- concentrated elegiac mood;

- lack of social topics;

- dialectism (analysis of human emotional experiences);

- expressiveness and lightness of the syllable;

- solemn and mournful mood.

Critics considered Baratynsky primarily a poet of the Pushkin school, so they did not accept his late work.

Yevgeny Baratynsky 1840s
Yevgeny Baratynsky 1840s

Analysis of Baratynsky's poem "Confession"

In 1824 Baratynskyis fond of the general's wife, Agrafena Zakrevskaya. Baratynsky's poem "Confession" was written exactly this year. Perhaps the poem is dedicated to her. The analysis of Baratynsky's "Confession" is interesting in that the poem was highly appreciated by Pushkin.

Baratynsky and Pushkin
Baratynsky and Pushkin

In the poem, Baratynsky presents us with the thoughts of a young man, at first glance - in the form of a monologue. Having lost the former feeling of love, the young man, as it were, tells his former lover why this happened, answering her questions, forestalling her objections. Thus, two lyrical heroes immediately appear in the poem - a talking young man and a silent heroine, between whom a conversation is started.

The hero of Baratynsky, in his confession, tells his beloved that his feelings have irretrievably faded away, that they are timeless. He asks not to be jealous of the other - there is no other. Thus, in the poem "Confession" Baratynsky draws two lines: the struggle of love and time and the struggle of love and society. The feeling faded with time, but the hero is glad that it was real. He talks about future love of convenience, because social attitudes require him to do so, and regrets that there may not be any more real feelings in his life.

The hero has come to terms with this situation and asks to put up with him and his former lover.

Analysis of the expressive means of Baratynsky's poem

For a more complete disclosure of the idea of the poem "Confession" Baratynsky uses a rich arsenal of figurativeexpressive means.

This is a violation of the order of words (“I will not hide the coldness of my sad sad”), and personifications (“my memories are lifeless”), comparisons (“I lived in the wrong shadow”), rhetorical questions (“who knows?”), antitheses (“we are not hearts under marriage crowns, we will unite our lots”), anaphoras (“I have chosen a new path, choose a new path”).

It is worth noting a large number of epithets - "sad cold", "storms of life", "barren sadness".

Interesting are frequent appeals to the heroine without the presence of the appeals themselves - in the form of imperative verbs - "believe", "take", "choose".
