Enchantix Stella from the animated series "Winx"

Enchantix Stella from the animated series "Winx"
Enchantix Stella from the animated series "Winx"

"Winx" is one of the favorite animated series of girls all over the world. Kind, beautiful, brave fairies with butterfly wings quickly gained popularity among little TV viewers. Each of them has their own favorite, which they try to imitate. The animated series "Winx" is about friendship, love and the struggle between good and evil.

What is an enchantix?

Let's deal with the cartoon's slightly confusing terminology. For people who have remotely heard of the Winx fairies, the word "enchantix" means nothing. In the animated series, it means the transformation of the fairies, after which they are no longer just fairies, but the guardians of their planets. Enchantix has additional abilities. After the transformation, fairies with the help of Fairy Dust can remove a spell from someone and can shrink. But in order to obtain such powers, each fairy had to sacrifice herself for the sake of another person. And it was completely disinterested. The first to receive the enchantix was Layla, who, by sacrificing herself, wanted to save the mortally wounded mermaid. The second one was received by Stella, defendinghis father from the dragon. Muse helped Princess Galatea escape from the fire in the library. Flora saved her sister Miele by sacrificing her own life. Tecna is fifth on the list of fairies who have received the enchantix. She sacrificed herself for the planet Andros, and Bloom saved her parents.

Winx fairies
Winx fairies

Enchantix Stella from Winx

Stella is the most popular among the Winx fairies. For her appearance is very important. Long-haired, with a neat hairstyle, a girl in a beautiful golden outfit. Stella's legs are adorned with brown sandals with silk ties. Her lovely large wings are golden in color with purple accents. Her hair is adorned with a crown with diamond hairpins. Enchantix is the main target for fairies. After all, it is he who helps to reveal the full magical potential.

Learn to draw Stella

What if you suddenly want to draw your favorite heroine? How to draw Stella's enchantix? This is not so difficult if desired and very possible. With a few tips, this will definitely work.

Draw Stella
Draw Stella

So where do we start? To get started, put a picture with a fairy in front of you and boldly proceed. Stella has big expressive eyes, let's practice drawing them first. Choose the emotion that best suits our fairy, or try different emotions, so you can train faster. Eyebrows are drawn or hatched, or first outline the shape, and then paint over. We proceed to the shape of the head, then draw the cheeks and chin. Add horizontal and vertical lines (thenerase them) and draw the eyes, ears and neck. Next, we form a hairstyle, erase the lines and shade. Then we proceed to the body and clothes. We work out the main lines, draw the arms, legs and torso. Add details and erase extra lines. Sketching. Stella has a lively gesture. Explore it and choose the one you like best. Also, don't forget the outfit. It should not be boring and individual, like the fairy herself.
