How to draw a lego man: step by step instructions

How to draw a lego man: step by step instructions
How to draw a lego man: step by step instructions

How to draw a lego man? This question plagues more than one generation of parents. Let's see what is so attractive about these plastic figures.

LEGO is the manufacturer of one of the most famous children's construction sets in the world, which has long gone beyond the usual children's toy and has become a kind of philosophy for millions of lovers of building parts around the world.

Lego Batman
Lego Batman

The history of the popularity of the designer

Over the long years of its existence, LEGO has managed to become not only a children's toy cult, but also a part of art. Movies about little men from the designer are very popular among young viewers. In addition to regular films, studios create pictures about Lego Batman and other popular characters. Every year, such projects are becoming more and more popular among young people.

The article contains information that will help you understand how to draw a Lego man, as well as step-by-step instructions explaining in what sequence you needdo it.

Lego man

Lego figures of people are an integral part of the standard equipment of each of the sets. They come in a variety of forms and are often made in the form of representatives of various professions. The uniform of the little man depends on the theme of the set. The selected figure can be a doctor, carpenter, soldier, gardener, mechanic or teacher.

Why draw a Lego man?

Darth Vader
Darth Vader

Surely many children want not only to play with the designer, but also to depict their favorite characters and heroes of Lego cartoons. And the task of the parent is to help them do this, or at least explain how to draw a Lego man. In fact, it is quite simple, the process does not require special artistic skills from the author of the drawing. It just takes a little patience and a little perseverance to get things done.

Drawing technology

Below we'll show you how to draw a lego man step by step.

First, you should outline the general contours by drawing them in the form of a circle, a trapezoid and a rectangle, which represent the head, torso and legs, respectively.

lego man
lego man

Next, you should check whether all the figures are depicted correctly and whether the proportions are correct. After making sure that everything is done with high quality and beautifully, you can begin to detail the drawing. First, it is necessary to determine the contours of the little man's clothes, separate the legs, mark the place where the puppet hands come into contact with the body, highlighting the key places in the character's portrait, you can proceed to the detailing of the costume.

The displayed items of ammunition depend on the profession chosen by the author for the character. In any case, it is necessary to carefully and clearly draw the contours of all, even the smallest, details of the outfit.

That's it! Now you know how to draw a lego man quickly and beautifully.


Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker

However, despite the work done, the task is still not fully completed. It remains to color the costume of the drawn figure. Do not rush and make the details of clothing plain. The drawing will look much better if you pay attention to the shadows, lighting, correctly shading the right areas in the picture.
