Olga Melikhova: biography, filmography of a wonderful actress

Olga Melikhova: biography, filmography of a wonderful actress
Olga Melikhova: biography, filmography of a wonderful actress

Melikhova Olga is an actress whose career began brightly and successfully. However, she did not remain fully faithful to the cinema. Due to life's difficulties, she turned from an actress into a business woman. But Olga does not regret this either, because she believes that this is only for the better. She continues to move confidently through life. And just like that - confident and strong - she was remembered by numerous fans who remember her amazing game, even regardless of the fact that she left the cinema.

A bright and fast rise in acting career

Olga Melikhova
Olga Melikhova

Soviet film actress Olga Melikhova was born at the end of September 1961. She is a bright representative of the Russian theater school. She first appeared on television in 1980. That year, she excellently played the role of Varya Berezina in the film "Reed in the Wind." The director of this melodrama was Viktor Aristov. Despite the fact that Olga did not study acting, she was definitely able to convey the inner world that is characteristic of her heroine. It was precisely thin and tender, like the images that she played, that many viewers remembered her, regardless of what was already onOlga hasn't acted in films for many years.

The film actress did not become the heroine of one image

There are quite a lot of roles that Olga Melikhova just perfectly played. Popularity and success came to her after the film by Viktor Titov called "Vacation at your own expense." The actress got the role of Katya Kotova. In the film directed by Vladimir Bortko "Heart of a Dog" Olga Melikhova perfectly got used to the image of Professor Zina's assistant.

actress Olga Melikhova
actress Olga Melikhova

Active participation in theatrical productions, which only added to her popularity

Between 1980 and 1990 she worked at the Leningrad State Youth Theater on the Fontanka. It was at this time that the actress played in a large number of performances. Of these, one can single out the production “From the Notes of a Young Man”, in which Olga Melikhova played Polina, a relative of the general. A striking performance in which Olga played is "Music sounded in the garden." An equally popular production is "Experiment", in which she played the role of Pershin's daughter. Actress Olga Melikhova perfectly got used to the image of Jackdaw-malyarka in the play "Five Corners". No less popular was the performance called "Duck Hunt".

The end of acting and the beginning of an entrepreneurial career

Despite the fact that the acting career of a woman was quite successful, she still decided to change her life. In a documentary film called "Actors of the same role," Olga told that during that period, which was quite difficult for the whole country,society was characterized by depression. Therefore, life was not so easy. People just didn't go to theaters. Therefore, in 1993, actress Olga Melikhova left the theater stage. However, it was rumored that her husband insisted on this, because she believed that she paid little attention to the family (subsequently, their family life did not work out, and they broke up). And with regard to her new role in life, Olga was guided by the recommendations of her friend. The actress, after her departure, began working in one of the large companies specializing in the sale of furniture as a manager. Over time, she rose to the position of manager, and today she is a successful business woman working in a large foreign company. She filmed the documentary while she was already working for the firm. Thus, Olga Melikhova completely abandoned her acting career. Her biography went in a completely different direction, which the actress herself never regretted.

She tries not to refuse to help ordinary residents

Olga Melikhova biography
Olga Melikhova biography

It was with her help that the problem of heating in the village of Leninskoye was solved. Especially for this, she wrote an article and published it in a newspaper called "Business Petersburg" (Olga once studied at St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of Philology).

The actress she turned out to be excellent

However, everyone remembers Olga Melikhova as an actress. Her filmography is quite extensive. It should be mentioned that many admirers of her talent believe that sheshe played in such series as "Law and Order", "Attempt at Faith", "Silent Witness-3". However, it is not. In these serial films, a completely different actress played, also called Olga.

List of films in which Olga took part

In 1980, the first film with her participation was released - "Reed in the Wind". The full list of projects in which the talented actress starred is as follows:

  1. Olga Melikhova family
    Olga Melikhova family

    A year later, in 1981, the film "Vacation at your own expense" is released.

  2. In 1982, she played in the film "I Wish You…".
  3. In 1984, the film "Two Hussars" was released, in which Olga played the role of Liza.
  4. In 1985, the film "Big Volodya, Little Volodya" was released on television, in which she got the image of Sofya Lvovna. Her heroine in the film could not determine whether to stay with her husband or go to her lover. She was able to accurately convey the inner world of Sophia.
  5. In 1986, the shooting of the film “Only I Know” was completed, in which Olga got the image of Lena.
  6. In 1988, viewers saw the actress in the role of Zina in the movie Heart of a Dog.

Olga Melikhova endured all the problems

The family of the actress today lives in St. Petersburg, where she was born. It was in this city that Olga learned both fragility and tenderness, as well as courage and stamina. And most importantly, the business could not destroy her spiritual kindness and sensitivity. After all, she continues to help people, using her connections for this.

OlgaMelikhova filmography
OlgaMelikhova filmography

Olga Melikhova will forever remain in the hearts of people who liked films with her participation. And just movie lovers did not remain indifferent to her wonderful game, to those images in which she was fully embodied, demonstrating all the subtleties of the inner world.
