The life and work of Alexander Vorobyov

The life and work of Alexander Vorobyov
The life and work of Alexander Vorobyov

Not every person knows about the life and work of the famous actor Alexander Vorobyov. Not everyone can list the films in which the artist took an active part, or how he spends his time, in what year the films were released, where the actor played this or that role. All this can be found in this article.

Biography and creativity

Alexander Vorobyov
Alexander Vorobyov

Soviet actor Alexander Vorobyov was born in February 1962 in Minsk. As a schoolboy, the artist was a true bully. Alexander's obscene behavior was a constant reason for regularly visiting the director's office. As a high school student, young Sasha decided to direct his own flow of excessive activity into creativity, taking an active part in literary meetings. Vorobyov has been thinking about his future life connected with acting since school.

Once in the life of an actor there was an incident that forever changed his life. A play was organized at the school, where Sasha's friend took part. The behavior of a comrade, completely inconsistent with the years of the guy,instantly struck the future artist. The boy performing on stage appeared before Vorobyov as a completely different person, which prompted the active Alexander to take the stage. After a while, the teenager began to seriously engage in sports and became the Belarusian champion among youths. However, the thought of an acting career haunted the youngster. A photo of actor Alexander Vorobyov can be seen in this article.

Steps towards acting

Film frame
Film frame

In the late 70s, the future star went to the capital of Russia in order to try to conquer it. Upon arrival there, the young man successfully passes the entrance exams to the Theater Institute of Satire, and in 1983 he graduates, after which he leaves to serve. After the service, Alexander Vorobyov returned to Moscow and for a long time could not find his true calling in life. For a long time, the actor was in the ranks of the "unemployed".

However, with the onset of 1986, the young actor was offered to join the ranks of the Moscow Drama Theater. The young actor gave a year and a half of work to the stage of the theater stage. After that, difficult times came again for the Soviet artist, forcing him to take on any work. In order to pay bills for rented housing in Moscow and earn money for food, Alexander was forced to work part-time at construction sites and even as a loader, although the guy dreamed of something completely different.

Work in theater and cinema

Film work
Film work

With the advent of 1988, Alexander Vorobyov decides to radically change the way of life that has become habitual. Guylearns about the upcoming casting, where young talents are recruited for Tabakov's troupe. Vorobyov decides to try his luck and goes to the tests, where he successfully passes the selection, becoming part of a solid platform for creativity. This was the beginning of his successful life, which made him a real actor and star of Soviet cinema and theater. To date, the artist's filmography includes dozens of roles, both in the world of cinema and in the theater. The most famous among Vorobyov's works are Sailor's Silence, The Old Quarter and other vivid plays. Actor Alexander Vorobyov works at the Ilya Tabakov Theater to this day, gathering a huge audience.
