Hungarian dance - chant and syncopation

Hungarian dance - chant and syncopation
Hungarian dance - chant and syncopation

Hungarian dance is widely known all over the world. This musical genre became famous for its ambiguous tempo: melodic turns are abruptly replaced by syncopations and sharp rhythmic figures. It intertwines features of gypsy, Italian, Slavic, Hungarian and Viennese music. Most often, the performance by dancers begins with a general dance movement in a circle to a lyrical introduction, which is subsequently replaced by a swift pair dance. The musical size of the dance is 2/4 or 4/4.

Hungarian folk dance
Hungarian folk dance

Hungarian folk dance is rooted in the second half of the 18th century, when verbunkos was born - the ancestor of this direction. It was performed at recruiting stations and at army send-offs. This is evidenced by the name, which arose from the German word "Werbung", which can be translated as "recruitment". It is traditionally performed by both men and women. Moreover, the girls are often dressed in red wide skirts,taking on the characteristic shape of a mushroom cap when whirling.

Brahms - Hungarian dance
Brahms - Hungarian dance

Palotas is a Hungarian dance, similar to Czardash, which originated from verbunkos. But, unlike chardash, palotash was intended to be performed at balls and ceremonial events ("palota" in translation from Hungarian means "palace"). Therefore, he was more moderate and restrained, but nevertheless still quick and lively. The appearance of chardash and palotash also dates back to the mid-end of the 18th century.

Czardas is a Hungarian dance that evolved from verbunkos as it was performed in a more peaceful setting. "Czardas" in translation from the Hungarian language means "tavern". According to the name, it was often performed in taverns and taverns, and, of course, this fact brought some boldness and expression into the manner of its performance.

hungarian dance
hungarian dance

Many composers turned to Hungarian music in their works: Vittorio Monti, Franz Liszt, Johann Strauss, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Johannes Brahms. Hungarian dance became the theme for a whole cycle of Brahms' works. In many ways, its emergence was facilitated by the creative interaction of the German composer and pianist I. Brahms and the famous Hungarian violin virtuoso Eduard Remenyi. Accompanying him at performances, Johannes was imbued with love for the music of Hungary, emotional and expressive. This feeling found its expression in four notebooks of Hungarian music for piano four hands and three orchestral versions of Hungarian dance.

OverallHungarian folk dances are still popular among various dance groups to this day. Gypsies also love to perform it. It was thanks to them that Verbunkos and Csardas became so widespread at one time - this nomadic people danced everywhere, wherever they were, and the Hungarian dance, full of unique charm and charm, conquered one country after another.

Besides Hungary, the described dances are most widespread in the regions closest to the historical homeland of verbunkos: Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia, Vojvodina, Moravia and Transylvania. In these areas, you can see this dance to this day.
