How to learn to dance lambada? The history of the emergence and features of passionate dance

How to learn to dance lambada? The history of the emergence and features of passionate dance
How to learn to dance lambada? The history of the emergence and features of passionate dance

Lambada is a fusion of forro and samba as movements and a combination of carimbo and merengue rhythms. Before we learn how to dance the lambada, let's decipher the name of the style. The very word "lambada" is translated from Portuguese as "contact". This is due to the fact that partners are in contact in the dance as much as possible to show all the sexuality and sensuality of this style.

Dance characteristic

So how do you dance the lambada? This is a pair dance with a rhythm of 4 beats and a tempo of 70 beats per minute. Moreover, the first part of the measure has a slow movement, and the next two - fast. The partner begins to dance from the right foot, and the partner from the left. The peculiarity of the dance is that the woman dances only on her toes, and the man leans on the floor with his entire foot.

lambada how to dance
lambada how to dance

Sexy Above All?

Many people think that lambada is too vulgar dance and filled with only sexuality. Actually it is not. The original lambada represents fast and graceful movements with full dedication of oneself, showing all love, passion within reason. And vulgar sexuality is present only in Hollywood films.

Forbidden lambada is a mythor reality?

The lambada dance has never been forbidden. In those days, there really was a ban on one of the types of dances because of frank movements. It was called maxix. Lambada got into this alteration quite by accident. There were people who liked to deliver any news. Thus, not really knowing what movements were not to be performed, they spread the news that the lambada was a forbidden dance.

History of occurrence

Lambada originated in Brazil, in the Amazon, at a time when the country was a Portuguese colony. There are no exact dates, but it was from about 1500 to 1883. The dance was based on movements from the tribal dances of the Karimbo Indians, so the original lambada was called carimba and was a free dance of outpouring of feelings, where a woman tried with all her might to embrace and hug a man with every bend of her body. The dance was accompanied by drums made from hollow tree trunks.

lambada - forbidden dance
lambada - forbidden dance

The accompaniment was later heavily influenced by Caribbean music. Once one of the radio stations in Brazil began to call all music carimba. The locals understood that all popular compositions were karimba.

Melodies began to be enriched with various musical effects with the help of modern musical instruments. And soon carimbo became known as lambada. Spreading across Brazil and borrowing certain features from other dances, over time, the lambada acquired its own individual rhythm - a count of 4, which became the finalchange. Now lambada has become a completely separate type of dance, completely different from carimbo.

How to dance lambada?

How to learn to dance yourself? Experts advise dancing barefoot lambada, because the rhythm is very fast, and unnecessary tension in the dance is inappropriate. You need to completely relax your whole body. Partners take a starting position, clinging as close as possible to each other. The man should hold the woman firmly with his right hand in the lower back, and with his left squeeze her right hand. The partner places her left hand on the partner's left shoulder.

Choose a large training room so that nothing catches you while you move. Any dance consists of certain key elements. Lambada is not an exception. Therefore, we break the dance into elements and memorize each separately. After we combine the movements in the correct sequence and learn the dance at a slow pace. Every time we try to speed it up.

dance lambada music
dance lambada music

So, how to dance the original lambada? You need to start moving smoothly, pumping from side to side, while moving your hips, drawing a figure eight in the air. The knees should be kept slightly bent. It is necessary to work out this movement to start. It will get better over time.

Add steps to the first movement. We take a step forward and begin the rotation of the hips, throwing out the legs in turn. Add to the learned hand movements. We begin to raise them in turn, shaking our wrists. These are all the basic movements you need to know in lambada. Necessarywork out the ease and speed of each element, first alone, and then with a partner.

Teaching Lessons

There are special lambada dance lessons. Therefore, you can learn not only from videos on the Internet, but also use the services of a trainer. Experts recommend learning lambada in a dance studio, since the dance has its own characteristics that are difficult to learn on your own without explanation.

lambada dance lessons
lambada dance lessons

Song "Lambada"

There is also specific lambada dance music. The story goes that in the mid-80s, Olivier Lamota, having visited a local festival in Brazil, decided to create a group of Latin Americans who would play the song "Lambada". Subsequently, the composition was recognized as a copyright infringement, and only the instrumental version remained.
