Vupsen and Poopsen: how to distinguish one brother from another

Vupsen and Poopsen: how to distinguish one brother from another
Vupsen and Poopsen: how to distinguish one brother from another

In life, it is very difficult for an outsider to distinguish between twins, especially those dressed alike. What can we say about cartoon characters, which the authors' brush draws in exactly the same way? When watching the cartoon "Luntik" many people wondered: "How to distinguish Vupsenya and Pupsenya?"

Heroes of the animated series

Together with Luntik
Together with Luntik

The authors of this animated film for children very well conveyed the atmosphere in any children's company. There is also a disinterested little girl who is trying to make the world around her better, there is an older generation who guides them, and there are teenagers who are ringleaders and bullies.

The two twin brothers Vupsen and Pupsen belong to the latter. They appear to the viewer in the form of two caterpillars who are no longer children. They prepare to pupate and become butterflies. Apparently, this transitional period also affects the characters of the caterpillars. But how to distinguish Wupsen and Pupsen?

Distinguishing Features

For all the similarity of these two characters, they are very different from each other both in appearance and in individual qualities. At first glance, they are like twodrops of water are the same bodies, each has a bib apron tied and a headdress. Both bullies and both chewing something all the time.

But if you look closely, you can find many differences. The external difference of one brother from another lies in the manner of dressing. Pupsenya's headdress is a cap like a baseball cap, and two cherries are painted on the bib apron. Vupsen, on the other hand, wears a bandage on his head, and his bib is decorated with a plum. You can visually see how to distinguish Wupsen and Pupsen in the photo below.

In full growth
In full growth

Characters of brothers

The brothers are very different in character. Knowing the traits of the characters, you can learn how to distinguish Wupsen and Poopsen.

Wopsen is the leader and constantly comes up with various dirty tricks and pranks, while convincing his brother to participate in them. He has a more evil character than Pupsen. Wupsen has a low voice. In addition, he rarely gives in to his brother.

Pupsen is kinder and more responsive. He constantly doubts the correctness of his actions with his brother and thinks that they are doing all the dirty tricks in vain. Pupsen has a squeaky voice. In addition, he is more polite and much more well-mannered than his brother: it is from Pupsen that you can hear “thank you.”

Brothers Theater
Brothers Theater

But despite all the negativity of the brothers' characters, they carry a positive load. For example, they teach you to stick together. This is what helps to achieve goals and overcome difficulties. Now you know how to distinguish Wupsen and Poopsen.
