5 books that will captivate and take consciousness to another world

5 books that will captivate and take consciousness to another world
5 books that will captivate and take consciousness to another world

We all sometimes want to disconnect from what is happening, reduce anxiety, forget about current news, impending problems and difficulties. Books can help with this, but not all reading captures so much that it can transfer our consciousness to another world. We have selected five exciting new books of different genres, from which it is simply impossible to tear oneself away.

Tatyana Korsakova, Snezhit

Tatyana Korsakova. Eksmo
Tatyana Korsakova. Eksmo

An action-packed mystical novel by Tatyana Korsakova, which literally chills the blood, because the book takes place in the north at a temperature of -40 degrees.

A company of friends led by the fearless Galliano sets out on another adventure, but they have no idea what dangers await them in the Far North. The berserk travelers gained notoriety by posting videos on their social media and quickly gained support from sponsors.

This time, at the invitation of a businessman, they will have to make an expedition to the closed northern city of Khivus, lost insnows. According to rumors, animals and even people die inexplicably there.

Dangerous journey is best done with trusted people and not inviting strangers. But the mysterious Veronica does not ask, but urgently wants to join the company of harsh men. What secret is she hiding and why is she rushing to Khivus, where white death roams.

Tatiana Polyakova, "The Four Horsemen of Discord"

Tatiana Polyakova. Eksmo
Tatiana Polyakova. Eksmo

A thrilling detective story about a team of detectives with supernatural powers. There were four of them: the Joker, the Girl, the Poet and the Warrior. But the Warrior died under tragic circumstances, and his place was taken by Klim, the one whom they considered their worst enemy - the Black Sorcerer.

The team will have to find an approach to each other, because in the new composition they need to investigate the complicated case of the disappearance of two wives of an influential businessman Zorin. The second, Nellie, has disappeared recently and can still be found, unlike the first wife, Adelaide, who disappeared ten years ago. Now the businessman is considered the hero of the tale of Bluebeard, brutally cracking down on his wives. But suddenly Zorin is not a killer, but, on the contrary, a victim? Then who sets him up?

But that's not all. The Mysterious Four don't take on regular investigations!

It is mysterious that every year on the day of the disappearance of Zorin's first wife, a blood stain appears on the floor in the living room of the house. And at night, howls are heard in the corridors of the mansion, as if an unsettled ghost wanders here and wants to point out the killer. The girl and her partners willencounter black magic and solve a complicated case.

John Marrs, “The One. The only one"

John Marrs. Eksmo
John Marrs. Eksmo

This is not just a psychological thriller, but like a new series of "Black Mirror" in the paper version. Love is an incomprehensible thing. You never know who you will fall in love with and whether he will become your ideal partner for life. But what if scientists could use DNA to find the perfect soul mate for every person? Would you agree to take such a test?

John Marrs invites you to delve into the gripping tale that even kindred spirits can have the darkest, darkest secrets. Five different people take a DNA test to meet their true love. Are they ready? After all, an ideal compatible partner may be a person of the same sex or much older or younger than the subject. Something else is much worse: if a person compatible with you turns out to be not just a murderer, but a bloody serial maniac.

Alas, "they lived happily ever after" is not destined for all the heroes of this novel.

Bibi Easton, "44 Chapters About 4 Men"

Bibi Easton. Exmo
Bibi Easton. Exmo

How can you diversify a happy family life? Read this spicy erotic novel based on a true story!

Bibi Easton has been married to handsome, handsome Ken for ten years. They have a happy family, a big house, two children and, in general, everything is fine. But Bibi lacks one thing - diversity in her sexual life, and Ken does not support her ideas. Then this brave woman decides to start keeping an intimate diary, where she describesall your youthful sexual adventures.

Then she accidentally leaves the diary in front of her husband for him to read and become jealous of her ex-boyfriends. The experiment turns out to be so successful that Bibi decides to turn the intimate diary into a book, and the result is a bestseller. Yes, such that Netflix itself became interested in the novel and invested in the series.

In the book you will find four fascinating stories. About a badass knight, Bibi's boyfriend in high school. About a typical bad boy Harley, who was after. About the rock star Hans. And about Ken Easton himself, the main man of the writer, who became her legal husband.

Lisa Jewell, "I'm Watching You"

Lisa Jewell. Exmo
Lisa Jewell. Exmo

Fascinating detectives and thrillers tell about quiet, cozy towns whose inhabitants are able to keep the darkest and most dangerous secrets.

Melville Heights is a quiet, prosperous, picturesque area of Bristol. This is definitely not the place where a bloodied corpse is found in the kitchen of a respectable house on a Saturday morning. Although no, that's it. So, a murder has been committed, but who is the victim and who is the killer, the reader will find out only in the finale of the novel.

Good neighbors have something to hide from each other. Everyone is involved in this terrible murder. For example, the school principal is a handsome and respected person, a favorite of students and their parents. Or the pregnant wife of a local doctor, who is also a friendly and pleasant person in all respects. Take that strange teenager who dreams of becoming a British intelligence officer. Of this wunderkindTrouble was also not spared. Or a former model - under her pretty appearance hides a completely different person.

In this book you will not find positive characters, each has a couple of sins. But only one will be a real monster. Who? This is to be guessed by diving into an exciting read.
