M. A. Bulgakov. Biography of a talented writer

M. A. Bulgakov. Biography of a talented writer
M. A. Bulgakov. Biography of a talented writer

If you conduct a survey among readers on the topic "Favorite Russian writer", a significant part of the respondents will probably answer: "Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, of course." This person is associated, first of all, with the talented work "The Master and Margarita", which is no coincidence: the genius of the novel is recognized today by the entire world community.

Bulgakov biography
Bulgakov biography

M. A. Bulgakov. Biography. Childhood and youth

This is one of the best writers of the 20th century, who was born in 1891, May 15th. In addition to the boy himself, there were six more children in the family. Bulgakov's early years were spent in Kyiv, a city he loved immensely and "inscribed" in many of his books.

In 1906, a young man entered the medical faculty. The study was excellent for him, so in 1916 he graduated from the university, receiving the title "Doctor with honors".

Back in 1913, Mikhail Bulgakov got married. His first wife was Tatyana Lappa.

After graduating from the university, Bulgakov was sent to the South-Western Front inas a doctor. In 1917 he was transferred to a hospital in the city of Vyazma. It is known that around this time he began taking morphine. First for medicinal purposes, and then because of the addiction.

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov
Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov

M. A. Bulgakov. Biography. Writing, career

During the years of military service, the young man's writing abilities began to manifest themselves as a doctor, although this business had long attracted him. The result of his stay in different hospitals was the cycle "Notes of a Young Doctor". The young writer Mikhail Bulgakov spoke about his drug addiction in his Morphine.

From 1921, he began to collaborate with some literary magazines and newspapers. Two years later, Mikhail Afanasyevich joined the Writers' Union.

In 1925 he remarried. Now on Lyubov Belozerskaya.

Bulgakov began to seriously engage in writing. It is curious that the play "Days of the Turbins" was praised by Stalin himself, although he noted that the work was anti-communist. Bulgakov received even less approval from his colleagues, who in the vast majority criticized his work.

As a result, by 1930, the writer's works had practically ceased to be published and published. Among other things, Bulgakov began to try his hand at the director's path. Many performances staged by him took place in Moscow theaters.

writer Bulgakov Mikhail
writer Bulgakov Mikhail

The most famous of his works were: "Heart of a Dog", "White Guard", "Fatal Eggs" and, of course, "The Master and Margarita".

M. A. Bulgakov. Biography. Later years

For the first time the idea of "Master and Margarita" came to the writer in 1928. And only in 1939 he decided to implement it. However, he could not do this on his own, as his eyesight was deteriorating every day. Bulgakov dictated the final version of the novel to his third wife, Elena, whom they married in 1929. From the beginning of 1940, his relatives and friends were constantly on duty near his bed.

On March 10, 1940, there were reports that Mikhail Bulgakov had died. The biography of this man was bright and ambiguous. And not only our compatriots, but also foreigners still continue to read the masterpieces he created.
