Alexander Mitta: biography, filmography, personal life

Alexander Mitta: biography, filmography, personal life
Alexander Mitta: biography, filmography, personal life

Alexander Mitta is a prominent figure in Russian cinema. His films are watched by the whole country, and novice directors seek to learn from the rich experience of Alexander Naumovich by attending Mitta's classes at his author's studio school. How did the career of the famous director begin? And which of Mitta's films are the most popular with the public?

Biography of Alexander Mitta

Mitta's real name is Rabinovich. For his creative activity, Alexander took a pseudonym, borrowing the name of one of his relatives.

Alexander Mitta
Alexander Mitta

Alexander Mitta is a native Muscovite. He was born in 1933. In 2013, the director celebrated his 80th birthday.

Mitta did not immediately realize that he was attracted to the world of cinema. He received his higher education at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Kuibyshev University. Then Alexander Naumovich got a job as a cartoonist in several humorous publications at once.

After Mitta graduated from VGIK (his artistic director was the Soviet film director M. Romm), hecollaborated with Alexei S altykov ("Siberian Woman") and shot his first film "My friend, Kolka!" This picture won an award at the London Film Festival, and the doors to the world of big cinema were opened for Mitta.

Acting work

Alexander Mitta did not spend his entire creative life in the director's chair. At the beginning of his career, he also received acting experience in films.

Filmography of Alexander Mitta
Filmography of Alexander Mitta

In 1966, Marlen Khutsiev's film "July Rain" was released on Soviet screens. The film is about a young woman, Elena, played by Evgenia Uralova, who is trying to build a relationship with a promising scientist, Vladimir. After going through a series of some collisions, this couple eventually breaks up. Alexander Mitta was assigned the role of the boring know-it-all Vladik in the tape.

The film was poorly received by film critics, who considered the dramaturgy of "July Rain" rather weak, forced and far-fetched.

Subsequently, Mitta appeared several more times in the frame, but already in those projects that he himself was filming. We are talking about the series "Border: Taiga Romance", "Thank God, you have come!" and the film Hot Saturday.

Director's work

Filmography of Alexander Mitta has 18 works. Of these, only four paintings are particularly popular.

biography of Alexander Mitta
biography of Alexander Mitta

The film story “They Call, Open the Door” was filmed by the director in 1965. In this film, Elena Proklova appeared for the first time on the screen, who later became a famous actress. The plot of the tape is tied to a lightthe feeling experienced by the schoolgirl Tanya Nechaeva in relation to the pioneer leader. The girl is trying to please the subject of her sigh: she helps to organize a pioneer gathering, she is looking for interesting people for performances. But nothing helps: the young man does not notice Tanya, and at the ice rink she meets him with various girls. In the end, Nechaeva realizes that Petya is not the hero of her novel, and is disappointed in the pioneer leader.

In Venice, the painting "The Ringing, Open the Door" won the main prize - "The Lion of St. Mark".

In 1976, Mitta made a historical film called "The Tale of How Tsar Peter Married Married". The script of the tape was created on the basis of the work of Alexander Pushkin. Ibrahim Hannibal in the film was played by the legendary Vladimir Vysotsky. After the filming of this film, a friendship began between Vysotsky and Mitta.

alexander mitta personal life
alexander mitta personal life

Mitta is also the author of the first Soviet disaster film called "Crew". According to the plot, a Soviet passenger plane landed at the airport of a fictional city of oil workers. There was an earthquake, the runway was destroyed. But right now, the crew of the Tu-154 needs to take the plane into the air at all costs, because soon everything around should be filled with boiling lava. The film constantly keeps the viewer in suspense, because it is not known whether the heroes will be able to escape?

Of the director's latest films, the most famous is the series “Border. Taiga Romance”, which tells about the tragic ending of the love triangle between the nurse Marina, the captainGoloshchekin and Lieutenant Stolbov. Celebrities such as Olga Budina, Marat Basharov, Alexei Guskov, Renata Litvinova and many others starred in the film.

Alexander Mitta: personal life

Alexander Naumovich took his current wife Lilia Mayorova away from another man. In 2017, Alexander Mitta and his wife will celebrate a diamond wedding. The couple has only one child - son Eugene, who works as an artist.
