Types of dances: a brief description and history

Types of dances: a brief description and history
Types of dances: a brief description and history

People learned to dance much earlier than to talk. Even in ancient times, with the help of dance, primitive men called on spirits before hunting. Nowadays, many types of dances have become professional.

types of dances
types of dances

Let's look at some types of dances.

  • Ballet appeared in the 16th century AD. This beautiful style was born in magnificent Italy. Ballet developed very intensively and over time became a separate art. This type of dance is more professional than amateur. To do it, you need to have excellent stretching, a lot of free time and a great desire.
  • Tap dancing is a theatrical dance that was first performed by Americans. The main movements in tap dancing are on the legs. It is most often danced without musical accompaniment, because the main idea of this dance is to beat the rhythm with your feet.
  • R'n'B style has recently become very popular among women. This is a new direction, the movements of which help to emphasize sexuality and femininity.
  • types of street dances
    types of street dances

    Russian folk dances were invented by the people themselves. There are a lot of different jumps, round dances and dynamic movements. Currently, dances in this style are very popular on the big stage, as they perfectly cheer up the audience.

  • Oriental dances used to have a ritual character. Now it is the favorite dance style of many women. Being engaged in oriental dances, you can form a beautiful figure, learn how to move plastically and feel sexy and desirable.
  • Latin American dances are the most incendiary and sensual of all. Their movements are easy. The main task of the dancer is to feel the music and show all the fire of passion that lives inside.
types of ballroom dancing
types of ballroom dancing

Types of dances can be described indefinitely. there are many of them in the modern world. People love to move, they love to feel the music and give it their all, it's so relaxing.

You should also pay attention to ballroom and street dancing. These are completely different directions in their essence and style of performance. What types of ballroom dancing exist? This is a slow English w altz, sexy tango, sensual slow foxtrot, romantic Viennese w altz and incendiary quick step. Each of these dances expresses certain emotions that wake up in a person during movement.

Types of street dances are also quite diverse and interesting. This is a modern folk dance direction. The main type of street dance is hip-hop. He was born in the USA and is now widely used throughoutthe world. Hip-hop competitions of various sizes are held. This type combines the individuality and originality of the dancer. Breakdance is very popular. This dance was also born on the street. This direction is characterized by the so-called battles, which are held on the streets of cities, as well as at large concert venues.

Modern types of dances are developing rapidly. Each person chooses for himself the direction that can cheer him up.
