Puppet theater in Nizhny Tagil: photo, address, reviews

Puppet theater in Nizhny Tagil: photo, address, reviews
Puppet theater in Nizhny Tagil: photo, address, reviews

On the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains, just 22 km from the conditional border between Asia and Europe, lies the glorious city of Nizhny Tagil. Mountain ranges, cut by numerous streams, overgrown with forests, create unique landscapes in the vicinity of the settlement. But the city is famous not only for its landscapes. Among its attractions - parks, museums, philharmonics, art galleries and clubs - a puppet theater occupies a special place. Nizhny Tagil is rightfully proud of it.


puppet theater nizhny tagil
puppet theater nizhny tagil

The Nizhny Tagil Puppet Theater became the first professional institution of its kind in the city. Repeatedly recognized as the best in the country, he has many awards and honorary diplomas in his archive. I owe my success to a caring and talented team, all members of which are actors, directors, directors, authors, musicians, artistic directors,engineers and others have been working selflessly for the benefit of their native stage for many years. The locals love and appreciate their puppet show.

Nizhny Tagil attracts guests who want to enjoy wonderful performances, which are distinguished not only by excellent acting, professional scenery and excellent music and light accompaniment, but also by genre uniqueness, semantic load.

A Brief History

puppet theater nizhny tagil address
puppet theater nizhny tagil address

In April 1944, the actress Yu. K. Matveeva from the troupe of the Leningrad New Theater, which at that time was evacuated in Nizhny Tagil, proposed creating a theater for children. The idea was enthusiastically picked up not only by her colleagues, but also by the local authorities. Therefore, just two months later, on June 13, the premiere of the puppet show "The Princess and the Swineherd" took place. The stage was placed in the Teacher's House, and the children were invited to the performance for free. The news that a puppet theater had opened in the city spread around Nizhny Tagil in a matter of days. All the following performances were sold out, the success was overwhelming.

The new theater for children not only survived in the harsh conditions of the post-war period, but also actively developed. The artists worked on their native stage and went on stage with performances to pioneer camps, sanatoriums, kindergartens, schools, boarding schools.

In February 1946, the regional commission, after studying the work of the theater, put forward the performance "Fire-jump" for a review in Moscow. This became an undoubted recognition of the work of the Nizhny Tagilpuppeteers.

As the years passed, the puppet theater in Nizhny Tagil grew and developed. Actors perfected their art, unique puppets were created, a living plan appeared. A big breakthrough was noted in 1969, when the theater moved to a new house with a spacious bright hall, a large stage and an auditorium for 300 seats. The staff received excellent utility rooms: dressing rooms, workshops, fitting rooms, a rehearsal room.

In the late 80s of the last century, the puppet theater of Nizhny Tagil, reviews of which were enthusiastic both from the audience and from critics, began to tour a lot. Among other things, the team visited Poland, the Czech Republic, Italy, Israel, actively participated in all-Union events and festivals.


puppet theater nizhny tagil photo
puppet theater nizhny tagil photo

Modern puppet theater for children in Nizhny Tagil has mastered many directions. It not only hosts amazing performances with transformations and impressive metamorphoses that can compete with computer special effects, but also organizes exhibitions of children's art, New Year's concerts, audience conferences, thematic meetings and events, real puppet shows. There is a museum in the building, interesting and unusual expositions of which attract children and adults.

The work of the creative team was repeatedly highly appreciated. In the last 10 years alone, the puppet theater (Nizhny Tagil) has received more than 15 awards and diplomas. Photos of posters and announcements demonstrate his rich repertoire, many videos are dedicated to everyday work, they tellhow the life of artists goes behind the scenes.


puppet theater nizhny tagil repertoire
puppet theater nizhny tagil repertoire

The puppet theater (Nizhny Tagil) has a very rich repertoire. The audience was especially fond of such performances:

  • "Tiny-Havroshechka".
  • "Hi monkey".
  • "Once again about Little Red Riding Hood".
  • "Magic ring".
  • "Cinderella".
  • "Masha and Misha".
  • "Gosling".
  • "Teremok".
  • "The jumping princess.
  • "Naughty".
  • "A mother for a baby mammoth".
  • "The cockerel is a golden comb".
  • "Chestnut Adventure".
  • "Cat House".
  • "Jumping Dragonfly".
  • "The most important on the road".
  • "Princess Mottled, or a witch and all the rest".
  • "Scraps in the back streets".
  • "Unlucky Chicken".
  • "Pig Choc".

And many more.

Creative team

puppet theater nizhny tagil reviews
puppet theater nizhny tagil reviews

A large and friendly team, led by Tatyana Tkacheva since 2016, has been working on the creation of all these amazing performances, musicals, funny and touching stories. The main director is Natalia Molokanova. The troupe consists of talented actors who love their job,:

  • Vladimir and Svetlana Shibnev.
  • Sasha Belousov.
  • Alexey and Svetlana Devyatykh.
  • Anastasia Evdokimova.
  • Irina Chuvashova.
  • Roma Brilev.
  • Maria Pavlikova.
  • Nikita Kraev.
  • Tatiana Shvendykh.

Great results on stage are achieved by the sound and lighting departments, the graphic designers masterfully create the scenery, the production designers polish each performance to a brilliant shine.

Useful information

Where is the famous puppet theater in Nizhny Tagil? The address of this institution: Lenina Avenue, 14. The building stands in the very heart (historical center) of the city between two large squares: Pionersky and Komsomolsky. You can get to the theater by public transport: trams number 1, 3, 12, 15 and 17 to the stop "Puppet Theatre". The fare is 16 rubles.

Checkouts are open every day except Monday. Tickets for daytime performances for children cost 120 rubles, for evening performances for adults - 200 rubles.

The bright magical world of the Nizhny Tagil puppet theater attracts young spectators and the older generation. Together with fairy-tale characters, they go on various journeys, experience wonderful adventures, learn to be kinder and more tolerant. Kids and their parents always leave the hall with a good mood and a desire to return to the amazing creative atmosphere created by the hands of professionals, to this treasury of miracles.
