Stand Up show participant Dmitry Romanov: biography, creativity and personal life

Stand Up show participant Dmitry Romanov: biography, creativity and personal life
Stand Up show participant Dmitry Romanov: biography, creativity and personal life

Our today's hero is a bright and cheerful young man, a regular participant in the program Stand Up Dmitry Romanov. Do you know where he was born? How did you get on television? Is he legally married? If not, you can find the necessary information in the article.

Stand Up Dmitry Romanov
Stand Up Dmitry Romanov

Dmitry Romanov (Stand Up): biography, childhood and youth

Born on January 8, 1985 in the glorious Ukrainian city of Odessa. By nationality, our hero is a Jew.

From an early age, the boy showed an excellent sense of humor. All the neighbors and relatives laughed at his jokes and funny stories. Dima studied well at school. He attended a drawing circle, as well as aeromodelling.

After graduating from high school, the guy applied to the Academy of Food Technology, choosing the speci alty "mechanical engineer". Dima was enrolled in the university.

Humor career

An active and cheerful young man, already in his 2nd year, was accepted into the KVN student team. Many numbers were accepted by the audience perfectly well. And all thanks to the artistry of Dima Romanov.

Soon guywas invited to the team "Republic of Shkid", which got the opportunity to perform on the main stage of KVN and stand next to Alexander Maslyakov.

After receiving a diploma, Dima did not work in his speci alty. He took up the development of his humorous career. Our hero spoke on local radio and television. Later, Dmitry participated in such projects as "Comedy Odessa" and "Comedy Kyiv".

In 2010, the guy moved to Moscow, where he was offered a good job. He was a screenwriter and joke writer. But at some point, the comedian from Odessa wanted to perform on stage himself.

Since 2012, our hero has been a regular participant in the Stand Up show. Dmitry Romanov never ceases to delight the audience with sparkling numbers. He jokingly talks about Jews, his relationship with his girlfriend, the conditions of modern life, embarrassing situations and much more.

Private life

Many fans want to know if Stand Up resident Dmitry Romanov is free. Let's take a closer look at his personal life.

Even in high school, Dima fell in love with a girl who was a year younger than him. He showed her signs of attention. But the feelings remained unrequited.

In 2010, in Moscow, the comedian met the charming blonde Kristina Talyzina. The girl arrived in the capital from Krasnoyarsk. She graduated from the Siberian Aerospace University (financial and economic department). Romanov did everything to achieve her location.

Dmitry Romanov stand up biography
Dmitry Romanov stand up biography

Several years the couple was incivil marriage. And in June 2015, the lovers got married. Dima and Christina signed at the Kutuzovsky registry office, then went to celebrate the celebration in one of the capital's restaurants. In the near future, the couple are going to have a baby.

In conclusion

We reported where he was born, studied and with whom the Stand Up resident Dmitry Romanov lives. We wish him development in creativity and well-being in the family!
