I. A. Krylov "The Peasant and the Worker" - a fable with political overtones

I. A. Krylov "The Peasant and the Worker" - a fable with political overtones
I. A. Krylov "The Peasant and the Worker" - a fable with political overtones

Despite the fact that the fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov are included in the compulsory school curriculum for studying literature, many of them have not only a deep meaning, but also a political background, inspired by the time when Russia still

Krylov peasant and worker
Krylov peasant and worker

serfdom acted. This meaning is inaccessible to children, which Krylov perfectly understood. “The Peasant and the Worker” is a work that formulates a seemingly harmless morality, behind which lies a heavy and not understandable meaning. During the analysis of this poem, we will try to understand its hidden meaning and reveal the idea that the famous fabulist wanted to convey to the people.

"Peasant and worker" (Krylov I. A.): summary

The plot of the work is simple and can be understood even by a commoner. The poems of Ivan Andreevich gained their popularity precisely because, despite the simplicity of interpretation, they showed people the essence of some representatives of the human race, which Krylov sought. "The Peasant and the Worker" is an excellent example of a fable with deep morals, but in order to reveal its meaning, it is necessaryread the content first.

peasant and worker Krylov's fable
peasant and worker Krylov's fable

The peasant and his farmhand were heading through the forest to their native village. Suddenly, a bear jumped out at them, which fell right on the peasant and began to tear him to pieces. He probably would have died, but he began to beg the worker Stepan to save him from certain death, which he did: he demolished the bear's skull with an ax and pierced it with a pitchfork. Despite the rescue, the peasant was dissatisfied with the act of his farmhand, because he spoiled the skin of the animal, for which good money could be obtained.

"The peasant and the worker" - Krylov's fable with a hidden meaning

The main moral of the presented work is spelled out by the author at the very beginning of the story. But Krylov was not such a simple writer. "The Peasant and the Worker", like many other fables of this author, also has a hidden meaning, which is far from clear to everyone, and even more so inaccessible to elementary school students.

The main moral of the work is that some people are always happy to blame others for all their troubles, but are not averse to resorting to their help when the need forces them. Consumer attitude, overestimation and selfishness among the representatives of the human race is not new, and it is quite clear that such a topic was touched upon in his work by the connoisseur of human souls I. A. Krylov.

"The Peasant and the Worker" is far from an ordinary work, as it shows the attitude of the authorities towards the inhabitants of Russia at a time when the great fabulist was engaged in creative work. Hierarchic althe stairs made petty feudal lords burrow and treat their subordinates with impudence…

peasant and wing worker
peasant and wing worker

It was at this time that the question of the abolition of serfdom was brewing, so Ivan Andreevich's fable was written, as they say, "on the topic of the day."

I. A. Krylov - the history of Russia in ironic poems

In fact, in almost every fable, Ivan Andreevich showed the imperfection of the political system of his native country, for which some officials disliked him. But the author literally immediately won recognition among the common people, which, in fact, he sought. The political background slips in almost every one of his poems, where he ridicules not the ignorance of commoners, but the illiteracy of those people who were in power during the author's tenure.
