"There are no strangers": performance, reviews, actors

"There are no strangers": performance, reviews, actors
"There are no strangers": performance, reviews, actors

“There are no other people's husbands” - a performance that collects reviews invariably simple, sincere and full of gratitude to the artists. Such responses, as a rule, are written by people who are well rested, charged with a mass of positive emotions and laughed heartily.

Which is not particularly surprising, because this is the most simple and classic situation comedy, as they say on the posters of the play "There are no other people's husbands." Reviews characterize the production clearly and without excessive fancifulness - "funny", "best comedy", "come again".

What is the play about?

The plot of the production is as old as the world - about a greedy mistress, unfaithful husbands, wives and a stupid girlfriend. This is truly a classic sitcom that will keep the audience laughing for a minute.

The main character of the production lives on the funds of two we althy libertines. At the same time, each of the men believes that, firstly, he is the only one, and secondly, he only helps his beloved, because her salarysmall. A woman has a clear schedule, thanks to which men do not intersect, life goes on evenly and steadily, everyone is happy and nothing portends trouble.

Scene from the play
Scene from the play

However, her old friend comes to visit the heroine. As a result of the fact that a woman sticks her nose everywhere, order is destroyed. Moreover, all the characters find themselves in the same apartment and at the same hour - the heroine, the narrow-minded girlfriend, the men and their very evil wives.

Who's on stage?

This funny and kind performance was staged by Sergey Efremov, and everyone's favorite artists, familiar from participating in comedy television projects, are busy on the stage.

Julia Takshina
Julia Takshina

Arriving at the theater, the audience will see on stage:

  • Andrey Kaikov;
  • Nikita Zabolotny;
  • Eduard Radzyukevich;
  • Yulia Takshin;
  • Maria Slastenkova and others.

"There are no strangers" - a performance, actors and roles in which were distributed quite unexpectedly. This adds additional humorous features to an already funny production, even grotesque to some extent.

How long is the play? Are there any restrictions?

“There are no strangers” - a performance, reviews of which almost always end with the words that “not enough”.

Duration of the production - 2 hours, not counting the intermission. The duration of the break varies from venue to venue as it depends on the local organizers. in DCnamed after Zuev, on the "home" stage of this comedy, the intermission lasts 10 minutes.

The age limit "16+" is indicated on the posters. However, "There are no other people's husbands" - a performance, reviews of which the audience and comments on social networks invariably claim - "a family comedy". Indeed, nothing frivolous happens on the stage, the jokes do not contain humor "below the belt", all the action is quite simple and understandable, even "homemade".

So you can safely go to the theater on a Friday night with the whole family, without fear of losing time or encountering the vulgarity that some comedy productions have.

What are they saying?

“There are no strangers” - a performance, reviews of which are always “filled with laughter”. That is, the audience writes a little confused and fragmentary, which best characterizes this production.

Eduard Radzyukevich and Andrey Kaikov
Eduard Radzyukevich and Andrey Kaikov

As for the acting work, then, oddly enough, in the responses of those who watched the performance, there is no single character. On the contrary, grateful viewers list all the artists, accompanying this listing with phrases - “and at that moment how will Radzyukevich approach Yulia”, “when Takshina sat down, it became clear that something would happen now” and so on. That is, the audience knows the actors so well that when describing their emotions and the moments they liked most in the performance, people do not use the names of the characters, but the names of the performers.

Such a lively response to a theatrical production today is a rarity. At this point, you should pay attention when choosing a performance.and the theater to go to this particular comedy.
