Performance "The Grenholm Method" at the Theater of Nations. What is the plot about? Are there any restrictions? Who is on stage?

Performance "The Grenholm Method" at the Theater of Nations. What is the plot about? Are there any restrictions? Who is on stage?
Performance "The Grenholm Method" at the Theater of Nations. What is the plot about? Are there any restrictions? Who is on stage?

Performances, like people, are different: good and bad, living for a long time or disappearing quickly, arousing interest or remaining not very noticeable. Some theatrical productions have been talked about for years, they gather record numbers of spectators for almost decades every time they are given on stage. It is to such productions that the play "The Grenholm Method" at the Theater of Nations belongs. The audience's feedback after watching it is invariably full of emotions and reflections.

What is the play about?

Whether the audience will be interested in the production or not, is determined not only by the performance of the artists, the scenery and the methods of directing used. The interest of the public, first of all, is determined by the content of the play, the sharpness of the plot.

The production of The Grenholm Method at the Theater of Nations will be of interest to those who found the 90s in offices. That is, he worked during the formation of business in ourcountry. The play is based on a play by Jordi Galceran. This is a Spaniard working in the genre of drama and, to some extent, a psychological thriller. His works are permeated with the complexity of characters, the unpredictability of human reactions and actions, the disclosure of their motivation.

The action takes place in the abstract office of the company. The firm itself also does not have any clear characteristics, it can be a fashionable advertising agency or a gas concern, a brokerage house, or a company providing legal services, in other words, anything. The main thing in the play is the opposition of psychological types of people.

Scene from the play
Scene from the play

The characters on the stage are in the same room during the entire performance. They have a difficult task ahead of them. They need to understand who is worthy to take the chair of the head of the company. Of course, in the struggle for this place, all means are good. In the process of figuring out who should be the boss, not the best qualities of character and properties of the soul are exposed.

However, "dark", as people say, this production is not. The plot is very dynamic, full of unpredictable twists and "games of intellects".

Who is the director?

Grenholm's Method at the Theater of Nations, staged by Bulgarian Yavor Gyrdev. This is a very young director, who began his activity only in 1994. However, he already has a number of successful theatrical productions and films in demand among the audience.

Directed by Yavor Gyrdev
Directed by Yavor Gyrdev

Yavor has quite an impressive list of works: more than twenty successfulperformances, radio projects, films. For one of the films, namely "Dzift", he received an award from the Moscow Film Festival.

In Russia, the director brought to life only two theatrical projects. The first, of course, is the "Grenholm Method" at the Theater of Nations, the second is "The Freak" at the Academic Drama Theater of Saransk.

Who's on stage?

The Grenholm Method at the Theater of Nations is loved by the audience not only because of the interesting content of the play and the dynamic plot full of surprises. To a large extent, the production owes its popularity to the performance of the artists taking the stage.

Employed in the play:

  • Igor Gordin;
  • Victoria Tolstoganova;
  • Maxim Linnikov.
Sergei Chonishvili
Sergei Chonishvili

But, of course, the lion's share of the public's attention is riveted to the character played by Sergei Chonishvili. He is the main star of this production.

Is there an age limit?

The play "The Grenholm Method" at the Theater of Nations is not an easy one. It is quite difficult to understand. In addition, remarks containing profanity are periodically heard from the stage. This is an artistic technique designed to highlight and enhance a moment, episode, thought, to convey the state of the characters more emotionally, to emphasize the importance of a particular minute.

However, this certainly imposes some restrictions on the public. This production is not recommended for viewing by those who are not yet eighteen years old. It is this age threshold that is indicated on posters and in the announcements of the performance.

There are no other official restrictions on visiting the production, but it is worth considering before going to the theater with teenagers. The play involved in the production has a very heavy content, which not every young person will understand and understand. As a kind of test before purchasing tickets to the theater, you can watch the feature film "Method", shot by Marcelo Pinheiro based on the same play.

What do they say about the performance?

The play "The Grenholm Method" does not leave the audience indifferent. The Theater of Nations has collected very different reviews about it. But in addition to theatrical resources, such as thematic groups on social networks, the production is discussed both on the forums and directly among themselves, immediately after viewing.

Performance program and ticket
Performance program and ticket

Judging by the number and content of audience reviews, the "Grenholm Method" at the Theater of Nations is a performance worth visiting. They write different things about him, but all the responses invariably relate to what is happening on the stage, contain a reflection on what exactly was shown on it. That is, this production makes the audience think, does not leave them indifferent. This is quite a rarity for the performances offered to the public these days.
