"Modeling the Future" is a book worth reading

"Modeling the Future" is a book worth reading
"Modeling the Future" is a book worth reading

Vitaly Gilbert is an extraordinary person. He is a renowned parapsychologist and hypnologist. Gilbert has special abilities, almost inaccessible to most people, which gave him the opportunity to win in the eleventh season of the famous program "Battle of Psychics". Among other things, he is also not the last person in literature. Vitaly wrote the book "Modeling the Future". Why is she unusual?

simulation of the future
simulation of the future

As the author points out in the preface, he starts writing "Modeling the Future" not from the beginning, but from the end. He offers to renounce all negative emotions and unkind thoughts. Gilbert recalls the turmoil that a few years ago forced him to completely rebuild everything in his life. In the very first chapter, the author of the book “Modeling the Future” points out the latent abilities inherent in each of us. He discusses with readers about what exactly makes people change for the worse. He devotes a lot of time to the question of why our latent abilities may not be used for a long time, or even a lifetime. Gilbert touches on such a topic as the exceptional complexity of the inner world(psyche, features of thinking, etc.) of each person.

Vitaly Gilbert Future Modeling
Vitaly Gilbert Future Modeling

However, the book "Modeling the Future" would not be of much value if it contained only theoretical, albeit very fascinating material. The author shares his methods, which personally helped him at one time to “liberate himself”, to show hidden abilities. These include meditation, positive thinking, the ability to see a good person in everyone, albeit “corrupted” under the influence of any external factors, the ability to enjoy life.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the author is extremely honest with his reader, this circumstance makes him a great honor. Almost at the very beginning of his story, listing a few simple methods that will allow you to change a lot in your life, he urges "to abandon this book, because it will not give you anything new, and gain experience." However, this is just an assumption made by the author. It is still worth reading the book, because it contains a very non-standard view

gilbert modeling the future book
gilbert modeling the future book

on the world. Already in the second chapter, the author of the book "Modeling the Future" talks about what exactly allows his dreams to come true. The more you read, the more interesting it becomes. According to Gilbert, miracles are possible, moreover, they happen if a person believes in them. He even gives examples of pregnancies of women diagnosed with infertility, cures for cancerous tumors. If you desire something and believe that itIf you achieve it, then it will be so, Vitaly Gilbert convinces us. Modeling the Future is not a book for skeptics or atheists, as the author is convinced that man's connection with his Creator will achieve great things in life. In his opinion, God exists and loves each of us.

Gilbert went from a loser to a happy person. Modeling the Future is a book that describes exactly what helped him achieve this. Perhaps your life will change after reading it. Based on his experience, the author offers a number of solutions that are worth taking. After reading this book, the reader will most likely realize that up to this point he has lived wrong. The book is intended for those who want to find their love, recover from diseases, become more successful.
