Mozart's works: list. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: creativity

Mozart's works: list. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: creativity
Mozart's works: list. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: creativity

The outstanding Austrian composer W. A. Mozart is one of the representatives of the Viennese classical school. His gift manifested itself from early childhood. Mozart's works reflect the ideas of the Sturm und Drang movement and the German Enlightenment. The artistic experience of various traditions and national schools is implemented in music. The most famous works of Mozart, the list of which is huge, have taken their place in the history of musical art. He wrote more than twenty operas, forty-one symphonies, concertos for various instruments with orchestra, chamber-instrumental and piano compositions.

Brief information about the composer

Mozart's list
Mozart's list

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Austrian composer) was born on 1756-27-01 in the beautiful town of Salzburg. Apart from composing? he was an excellent harpsichordist, bandmaster, organist and virtuoso violinist. He had an absolute ear for music, a chic memory and a craving for improvisation. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is one of the greatest composers not only of his time, but also of our time. His genius is reflected inworks written in different forms and genres. Mozart's works are still popular today. And this indicates that the composer has passed the "test of time". His name is most often mentioned along with Haydn and Beethoven as a representative of Viennese classicism.

Biography and creative path. 1756-1780 years of life

Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. He began to compose early, from about the age of three. My father was my first music teacher. In 1762, he set off with his father and sister on a great artistic journey to various cities in Germany, England, France, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. At this time, the first works of Mozart were created. Their list is gradually expanding. Since 1763 he lives in Paris. Creates sonatas for violin and harpsichord. In the period 1766-1769 he lived in Salzburg and Vienna. With pleasure, he plunges into the study of the compositions of the great masters. Among them are Handel, Durante, Carissimi, Stradella and many others. In 1770-1774. located mainly in Italy. He meets the then-famous composer Josef Myslivechek, whose influence can be traced in the further work of Wolfgang Amadeus. In 1775-1780 he traveled to Munich, Paris and Mannheim. Experiencing financial difficulties. Loses his mother. Many of Mozart's works were written during this period. The list of them is huge. This is:

  • concert for flute and harp;
  • six clavier sonatas;
  • several spiritual choirs;
  • Symphony 31 in the key of D major, which is known as the Parisian;
  • twelve ballet numbers andmany more songs.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Biography and creative path. 1779-1791 years of life

In 1779 he worked in Salzburg as a court organist. In 1781, his opera Idomeneo premiered in Munich with great success. It was a new turn in the fate of a creative person. Then he lives in Vienna. In 1783 he married Constance Weber. During this period, Mozart's operatic works came out poorly. Their list is not so great. These are the operas L'oca del Cairo and Lo sposo deluso, which remained unfinished. In 1786, his excellent Marriage of Figaro was written, based on a libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte. It was staged in Vienna and enjoyed great success. Many considered it to be Mozart's best opera. In 1787, an equally successful opera was released, which was also created in collaboration with Lorenzo da Ponte. This is Don Juan. Then he receives the post of "imperial and royal chamber musician." For which he is paid 800 florins. He writes dances for masquerades and a comic opera. In May 1791, Mozart was hired as assistant conductor of the St. Stephen's Cathedral. She was not paid, but provided an opportunity after the death of Leopold Hoffmann (who was very ill) to take his place. However, this did not happen. In December 1791, the brilliant composer died. There are two versions of the cause of his death. The first is the complication of rheumatic fever after the illness. The second version is similar to the legend, but is supported by many musicologists. It's Mozart poisoningcomposer Salieri.

mozart symphonies
mozart symphonies

The main works of Mozart. List of compositions

Opera is one of the main genres of his work. He has a school opera, singspiel, opera seria and buffa, as well as a grand opera. From the compo pen:

  • school opera: "The Metamorphosis of Hyacinth", also known as "Apollo and Hyacinth";
  • opera-series: "Idomeneo" ("Elijah and Idamant"), "Mercy of Titus", "Mithridates, King of Pontus";
  • opera-buffa: "Imaginary Gardener", "Deceived Bridegroom", "The Marriage of Figaro", "They Are All Like This", "Cairo Goose", "Don Giovanni", "Pretending Simple Girl";
  • singspiel: "Bastienne and Bastienne", "Zaida", "Abduction from the Seraglio";
  • big opera: "The Magic Flute";
  • ballet-pantomime "Trinkets";
  • masses: 1768-1780, created in Salzburg, Munich and Vienna;
  • requiem (1791);
  • oratorio "The Liberated Vetulia";
  • cantatas: "Penitent David", "Joy of the Stonemasons", "To You, Soul of the Universe", "Little Masonic Cantata".
mozart famous works
mozart famous works

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Works for orchestra

W. A. Mozart's works for orchestra amaze with their scale. This is:

  • symphonies;
  • concertos and rondo for piano and orchestra and for violin and orchestra;
  • concerts for two violins and orchestra in the key of C major, for violin and viola and orchestra, for flute and orchestra in the key of G major, for oboe and orchestra, for clarinet and orchestra, for bassoon, for horn, for flute and harp (C major);
  • concerts for two pianos and orchestra (E flat major) and three (F major);
  • divertimento and serenades for symphony orchestra, strings, wind ensemble.
musical works of mozart
musical works of mozart

Pieces for orchestra and ensemble

Mozart composed a lot for orchestra and ensemble. Notable Works:

  • Galimathias musicum (1766);
  • Maurerische Trauermusik (1785);
  • Ein musikalischer Spa (1787);
  • marches (some of them joined the serenades);
  • dances (country dances, landlers, minuets);
  • church sonatas, quartets, quintets, trios, duets, variations.
amadeus mozart works
amadeus mozart works

For clavier (piano)

Mozart's musical compositions for this instrument are very popular with pianists. This is:

  • sonatas: 1774 - C major (K 279), F major (K 280), G major (K 283); 1775 - D major (K 284); 1777 - C major (K 309), D major (K 311); 1778 - A minor (K 310), C major (K 330), A major (K 331), F major (K 332), B flat major (K 333); 1784 - C minor (K 457); 1788 - F major (K 533), C major (K 545);
  • fifteen cycles of variations (1766-1791);
  • rondo (1786, 1787);
  • fantasies (1782, 1785);
  • differentplays.

Symphony No. 40 by W. A. Mozart

Mozart's symphonies were created from 1764 to 1788. The last three were the highest achievement of this genre. In total, Wolfgang wrote more than 50 symphonies. But according to the numbering of domestic musicology, the 41st symphony ("Jupiter") is considered the last.

Mozart's best symphonies (Nos. 39-41) are unique creations that defy the typification established at the time. Each of them contains a fundamentally new artistic idea.

Symphony No. 40 is the most popular work of this genre. The first part begins with an excited melody of the violins of a question-and-answer structure. The main part is reminiscent of Cherubino's aria from the opera Le nozze di Figaro. The side part is lyrical and melancholic, contrasting with the main part. The development begins with a small bassoon melody. There are gloomy and mournful intonations. Dramatic action begins. The reprise heightens the tension.

mozart house
mozart house

In the second part, a calm and contemplative mood prevails. Sonata form is also used here. The main theme is played by the violas, then it is picked up by the violins. The second theme seems to "flutter".

Third - calm, gentle and melodious. Development returns us to an excited mood, anxiety appears. The reprise is again a bright thoughtfulness. The third movement is a minuet with the features of a march, but in three-quarter time. The main theme is courageous and resolute. It is performed by violins and flute. In the trio, transparent pastoral sounds emerge.

The swift finale continues the dramatic development, reaching the highest point - the climax. Anxiety and excitement are inherent in all sections of the fourth part. And only the last bars make a little assertion.

B. A. Mozart was an excellent harpsichordist, bandmaster, organist and virtuoso violinist. He had an absolute ear for music, a chic memory and a craving for improvisation. His excellent works have taken their place in the history of musical art.
