The exhibition is Detailed analysis

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The exhibition is Detailed analysis
The exhibition is Detailed analysis

Video: The exhibition is Detailed analysis

Video: The exhibition is Detailed analysis
Video: Thomas Gainsborough: A collection of 500 paintings (HD) 2024, June

The article describes what an exhibition is, why this event is held, and what types of exhibitions there are.


Since ancient times, our ancestors, who were not very similar to people, had a craving for beauty and a need for self-expression. Of course, they understood everything in their own way, but if we discard the manifestations that are completely incomprehensible to us, then, for example, the first primitive flutes, stone figurines of animals and other crafts found by archaeologists are several hundred thousand years old.

Later, with the advent of a more or less developed and civilized society, there were always those who, having some talents, tried to share the fruits of their creativity with other people, for example, bards, storytellers and wandering poets. Gradually, with the development of culture and arts, people began to hold the first exhibitions. Of course, which of them was the very first is now unknown, and it doesn’t really matter. But, for example, in ancient Rome and Greece, exhibitions of sculptors and artists were regularly held.

Starting from the Middle Ages, such an event as an exhibition has become even more important. This was facilitated by the revival of many branches of painting, sculpture and the development of such sciences as mechanics, chemistry, etc. The exhibition is a wayto demonstrate to critics and ordinary people the works of art of one or many authors. And also a way to attract investors to various inventions, as it happens in our time. So what is an exhibition, what are they and what are their goals? We'll figure it out.


exhibition is
exhibition is

First, let's get some terminology out of the way. According to the dictionary, an exhibition is a method of public presentation to the public of various achievements in the field of industry, economy, science or art, and other areas of everyday life. By the way, it is worth noting that an exhibition can be called both the event itself and its venue, for example, an exhibition center that accommodates shows of various topics. Also, an exhibition is either a local (national, city), or even an international event, where many countries participate, and are held on a grand scale.

In terms of duration, exhibitions are either permanent (for example, thematic exhibitions in museums) or temporary.


meaning of the word exhibition
meaning of the word exhibition

Initially, exhibitions of the same art were held only as a way to show ordinary viewers and colleagues in the workshop the work of one or many authors. But over time, starting from the end of the 17th century, exhibitions turned into a very profitable business for their creators. Naturally, if we are talking about very large international presentations. But still, smaller ones also bring profit, in particular those on which you can immediately buyproducts you like. So sometimes the exhibition is a source of income. Now let's take a closer look at the types of exhibitions.


what is an exhibition
what is an exhibition

Exhibitions, the purpose of which is to acquaint people with a certain art or a particular author, is the most ancient phenomenon. Their meaning is to get a certain assessment, to look at the reaction of society, to hold discussions with those who want it, or to sell someone their favorite painting, sculpture, and so on.

Such exhibitions can be very different - book, art, show the work of famous sculptors or demonstrate all of the above, but ancient, like in museums.

Also analyzing the meaning of the word "exhibition" and what it is in general, it is worth mentioning their special type, which demonstrates unusual art, such as arthouse, surrealism, avant-gardism and the like. Not everyone perceives such presentations, and many even condemn them, as they cannot understand the meaning of the exhibits and works.


exhibition schedule
exhibition schedule

Exhibitions are also scientific. Basically, their goal is to increase the interest of ordinary people in science and to interest children, who may become prominent figures in this industry in the future. They can be held both on the basis of museums (using their exhibits) and demonstrate the latest advances in technology. For example, virtual reality.

Also, exhibitions of this kind are often held at the international level to find investors or interest buyersthe latest equipment and other developments. Sometimes their goal is to test something new, for example. At the Russian VDNKh, you can regularly try out various medical equipment for diagnostics, completely free of charge and with he alth benefits.

Schedule of exhibitions

Since exhibitions are often of a commercial nature, their organizers are directly interested in making as many people as possible aware and visit them. So all the big ones are announced in advance, using various means of advertising and the media. And you can find out the exact schedule and schedule on the websites of the organizers, or, in the absence of such, in groups on social networks.

So we figured out what an exhibition is.
