Belarusian folk tale "Easy bread"

Belarusian folk tale "Easy bread"
Belarusian folk tale "Easy bread"

Belarusian fairy tale "Easy Bread" tells that benefits are not easy to get, that you have to work hard to always have plenty of food.

The word "bread" here can also be understood as a metaphor when it comes to a collective image. Bread is the basis of life, food in general, and its presence in a person indicates well-being in the house.

Loaf of bread
Loaf of bread

Below we will briefly summarize the content of the fairy tale "Easy Bread".


One mower worked on the field and sat down to rest. Bread pulled out, chews. The wolf came up, he shared with him. He liked bread. So the wolf wished that he always had a crust.

The peasant told him what needs to be done to grow a field with rye ears. But it’s still not enough to grow - you need to collect bread, free it from rubbish, grind it into flour. Only then can you knead the dough and bake bread. Total - hard work on the field in spring, summer and autumn.

Mower and wolf
Mower and wolf

The wolf was upset that the work was difficult and hard, and asked the peasant for advice, how would it be easier to get bread? He sent him to the horse.


The wolf wanted to eat the horse, but he suggested that he take off his hooves so as not to break his teeth. The wolf agreed, climbed to shoot, but the horse hit him, and the wolf flew off to the side.


I saw a wolf on the shore of geese, he was going to eat them, and the birds asked him to sing to them in the end. While the wolf, sitting on a tussock, howled, the geese took to the wing and flew away. Again the wolf failed to eat.


The wolf got angry and decided to eat the first one he met. He sees an old man coming towards him. As soon as the wolf was about to rush at him, he offered him a sniff of tobacco. As the wolf inhaled grandfather's tobacco from a pouch, he sneezed so much that tears splashed from his eyes.


The last thing in a fairy tale was a wolf saw a flock of sheep with a sleeping shepherd. I wanted to immediately kill the ram, and he said to him: "You, wolf, stand up in the hollow and open your mouth wider, I myself will rush there." The wolf did just that, and the ram ran away and gored the stupid wolf with its horns, knocking the spirit out of him.

wolf and ram
wolf and ram

The wolf was lying down, came to his senses and began to doubt whether he had eaten a ram or not. Walked past the mower and said:

- I didn’t eat, but I tasted light bread.

Even shorter

The tale "Easy Bread" is very short, but its content can be conveyed even shorter if this story is divided into two parts.

In the first part, the wolf abandons the idea of growing and baking bread himself, as the mower tells him that the path from grain to loaf is very difficult, slow and difficult.

In the second - the wolf, wanting to get enough,queue attacks a horse, geese, grandfather, ram, but in the end not only remains hungry, but also turns out to be the most stupid of all.

Fairy tale plan

A detailed plan can be drawn up from this fabulous story. It can look, for example, like this:

1. Meeting of a wolf with a mower. A story about bread.

2. Wolf and horse.

3. Wolf and geese.

4. Wolf and grandfather.

5. Wolf and ram.

6. Moral of the story "Easy Bread" It is expressed at the very end of the story by a mower passing by a wolf.

A shortened plan of this story, as we said above, can consist of two parts: the first is a conversation between a wolf and a mower; the second - the wolf unsuccessfully tries to get food for itself, like a robber, that is, attacking someone.

The meaning of the fairy tale

Animal folk epic (for example, fairy tales) is intended for a children's audience and has an educational function. Each animal, acting as a character, personifies some kind of character trait, the main one among others. For example, a fox or a crow is cunning, a bear is strength and stupidity, a cat is quick wits, a woodpecker is simplicity, a hare is cowardice, a bull or a goat is stubbornness.

And in Russians, and in Belarusian, and in many fairy tales of other nationalities, the wolf is the personification of brute strength, haste and laziness. At the same time, he is still unsophisticated, simple and stupid. Therefore, he is usually pursued by failures. In folklore stories, this character is easily circled around the finger, for example, the sister fox, the cat, the Gingerbread Man.

wolf and fox
wolf and fox

The meaning of the fairy tale "Easy bread"consists in the fact that it is impossible to feed oneself hastily, without thinking and laboring. The wolf personifies here such a fool and a simpleton. He acts in a hurry, without thinking, without planning his actions, without looking into the future. And since the wolf is constantly pursued by failures, the reader as a result understands that the wolf is a fool and a lazy person, which means that one should act differently. Only by consistent, well-planned actions, knowing exactly what you want to achieve, and preparing to work towards this goal, sparing no effort, you can achieve something.


Finally, we can give a few proverbs that will help you better understand the meaning of the tale:

The work is not easy, but its fruits are sweet.

Work feeds, but laziness spoils.

If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove.

You can't get a fish out of a pond without effort.

In this article we have given the content and meaning of the Belarusian fairy tale "Easy Bread".
