Films with a tragic end: top films with a heartbreaking ending

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Films with a tragic end: top films with a heartbreaking ending
Films with a tragic end: top films with a heartbreaking ending

Video: Films with a tragic end: top films with a heartbreaking ending

Video: Films with a tragic end: top films with a heartbreaking ending
Video: Brandy Norwood's TRAGIC Life Story 2024, June

Many of us are already used to Hollywood finals. In this case, you do not have to wait for any trick. Bad guys are sure to be punished, lovers get married, the innermost dreams of the main characters come true. However, films with a tragic end can really touch the thinnest streams of the soul. Such tapes often end unhappily, as often happens in life. In this article, we will talk about several films that will not leave anyone indifferent in the finale.

American Beauty

American beauty
American beauty

One of the most famous films with a tragic end is Sam Mendes' drama American Beauty. The picture received high marks from viewers and film critics. Won 5 Oscars, including Best Picture.

In the centerThe story turns out to be the story of 42-year-old Lester Burnham, who is going through a midlife crisis. He is annoyed by his wife and work, his daughter, a high school student, is increasingly moving away from him.

The main thing for him is the unwillingness to continue to live as hypocritically as he lived before. Then Lester falls in love with his daughter's friend.

In the finale, Lester is killed by Colonel Fitts, who mistakenly thought that the main character had sex with his son. Burnham dies with a barely perceptible smile on his face. In the last moments of his life, he looked at a family photograph, suddenly realizing that his life was not meaningless and empty, as he believed before. He understands that he sincerely loves his wife and daughter. This is a film with a tragic end to tears that everyone should see.

Moulin Rouge

Moulin rouge!
Moulin rouge!

The theme of death is present in Baz Luhrmann's melodrama "Moulin Rouge!". The musical won two Oscars in 2001.

This is a film with a tragic ending that tells the story of a poor poet, Christian, who falls madly in love with the star of the Moulin Rouge cabaret. Satine is a famous courtesan and actress. The cabaret management sets her the task of seducing the duke so that he finances the next theatrical production.

At the same time, Satine herself falls in love with the poet, involves him in work on the play. At the end of this film about love with a tragic end, the girl dies in Christian's arms from consumption.

Silence of the Lambs

Silence of the Lambs
Silence of the Lambs

The Silence of the Lambs thriller by Jonathan Demme has become one of the most famous films about a serial killer. The FBI is looking for a maniac nicknamed "Buffalo Bill" who skins the women he kills.

Lost on the trail, law enforcement officers seek help from former psychiatrist Hannibal Lecter, turned cannibal killer. He is currently under guard in a mental hospital. Young agent Clarice Starling is sent to talk with him.

During these sessions, Lecter begins to play a clever psychological game. For example, he agrees to help only on the condition that Clarice will reveal to him the innermost details of his life. In exchange, he pays attention to the details that help to get on the trail of a maniac.

Clarice figures out the criminal. She arrives at the house where the intruder lives. In the final scene, an FBI agent kills a maniac in a dark basement, focusing on the sound of the trigger of a gun that he cocks.

However, the ending is still shocking. Clarice learns that Lecter has broken free. He's ready to keep killing.


Movie Monstro
Movie Monstro

Fantastic thriller by Matt Reeves, filmed in mockumentary style, also included in the list of films with a tragic end. The tape begins at a party in New York. In the midst of the fun, the lights go out throughout the city.

Climbing onto the roof of the house, the heroes watch the destruction of several skyscrapers, next to which the Statue of Liberty falls. The source of destruction is a giant monster 45 meters tall. Presumably, he climbed out of the ocean.

People are hastily evacuated from the city. The main character Rob, instead of escaping, goes to his girlfriend Beth, with whom he quarreled at the beginning of the party, she went home. Beth lives near the epicenter of destruction. Once there, Rob and his friends discover that the lower floors of her high-rise building have already been destroyed. They decide to climb onto the roof of a nearby skyscraper.

Beth is found unconscious in the apartment with a metal pin sticking out of her hand. However, they do not have time to fly away in a military helicopter. At the last moment, a monster overtakes the friends. Rob and Beth, the only survivors, hide under a bridge in Central Park.

While recording their farewell message on camera, the bridge collapses. Apparently, an atomic bomb was dropped on Manhattan to get rid of the monster. This is a movie with a tragic ending. One of the best in its genre.

Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko
Donnie Darko

In the top tragic films, Richard Kelly's mystical thriller "Donnie Darko" must be mentioned.

It tells about a high school student (the main character) who one day leaves the house on the orders of a man with a sinister grin dressed as a huge rabbit. He calls himself Frank.

Frank tells Donnie Darko when the world will end. The next morning, he wakes up on the golf course, and when he returns home, he finds out that the engine of a plane that crashed nearby fell right on his room.

The denouement comes on the eve of Halloween. Main characterstays at home with her older sister. All the rest are leaving. They throw a costume party where the guests come in masks. Donnie receives a message from Frank, remembering that today is the day the world should end.

This is a paranoid drama that gained a large following after its release. The ending is disappointing: the protagonist sacrifices himself to save his family, and himself to break out of the time loop into which he was drawn.

Requiem for a Dream

Requiem for a Dream
Requiem for a Dream

In the list of films with a tragic end to tears, one should also dwell on Darren Aronofsky's psychological drama "Requiem for a Dream". This is a difficult and relevant story about love, betrayal, betrayal and addiction.

The main characters are Sarah and her son Harold. Harold's friend Tyrone and his girlfriend Marion. Sarah is an elderly widow who spends all her time in front of the TV in her small apartment in Brighton Beach. Most of all, she loves shows about people who have managed to lose weight by going on a diet or giving up junk food. She herself consumes too many calories.

Her son is a drug addict. Harold shows up at the apartment from time to time to pick up the TV and pawn it. Sarah keeps buying him back.

Heroes have to endure a lot of trials, but the film does not end well for them. Harold goes to jail. He develops gangrene, his arm is amputated. Marion goes to an orgy where she has sex with a woman to getanother dose.

Sarah, hooked on amphetamines, ends up in a lunatic asylum. Tyrone suffers from withdrawal symptoms in prison, where he is bullied by the guards.

Cherbourg umbrellas

Cherbourg umbrellas
Cherbourg umbrellas

This is a love movie with a tragic ending. Although no one dies in the finale, the audience sees how unfortunate the fate of all his heroes was.

Before us is the story of the relationship between umbrella saleswoman Genevieve and car mechanic Guy. Their feelings are mutual, but war separates young people.

While Guy is at the front, things are going very badly for Genevieve and her mother - they are on the verge of ruin. Salvation is the appearance of the jeweler Roland Kassar, who falls in love with a girl. Genevieve does not love him, besides, she is expecting a child from Guy. At the same time, letters from Algeria rarely come. Tormented by the unknown, she begins to doubt whether the young man even remembers her. Letters stop coming at all when Guy ends up in the hospital. But Genevieve doesn't know this.

A girl marries a jeweler. In the finale, they meet at the gas station where the main character works. They are alone for a few minutes. They assure each other that they are happy. Everyone has their own family. And then they part, never to meet again, knowing that only the relationship between them was true love.

The Green Mile

Green Mile
Green Mile

This is a film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Stephen King, which has become a truly cult. The film received 4 Oscar nominations.

It talks aboutan unusual prisoner named John Coffey. He is in jail awaiting execution.

The audience sincerely sympathizes with the main character, but everything ends tragically for him. The sentence is carried out.

Dancing in the Dark

Dancing in the dark
Dancing in the dark

This is a psychological musical drama by Lars von Trier that also ends with a death sentence.

The main character is Selma, who suffers from a disease that makes her blind. From those around her, she hides in every possible way the fact that she almost sees nothing.

The police officer she rents a room peeps into where she hides the money saved up for the operation. The theft attempt ends in a conflict, during which Selma kills the law enforcement officer. She is arrested. At the end, she is sentenced to be hanged.
