"Ice Age": short films about a squirrel

"Ice Age": short films about a squirrel
"Ice Age": short films about a squirrel

Well, who hasn't watched the cartoon "Ice Age"? You can watch it several times and discover more and more funny moments in it. It's that successful animated film that doesn't get boring. Of course, a special place in this film belongs to the squirrel. Throughout the Ice Age movie itself, short films about a squirrel chasing a nut run parallel to the main plot. Everyone liked her so much that the directors of this cartoon decided to give her a separate place on the screen in the form of a series of cool short films. And, of course, they did not fail. Because they have become popular among Ice Age fans and beyond.

Squirrel causes earthly cataclysms

Squirrel is always in the center of events: either it is the cause of the most terrible incident on our planet - the Ice Age, or because of it, warming begins. Although the character himself is comical, her fate is actually tragic. After all, trying to get what you want and not having it in any wayopportunity to realize a dream, isn't that a tragedy? In every part of the short, she tries to get the acorn she wants but fails to do so.

In pursuit of an acorn, the squirrel gets into different places, many comic situations happen to it, it becomes the cause of various global events. She wanders underground, on land, and even in space. She fearlessly and desperately tries to get the acorn. And when he gets into the paws of a squirrel, then she thinks about how to hide it more securely.

What happiness
What happiness

Wish Come True

And now, finally, in the short film "Ice Age" the desire of the squirrel is almost fulfilled. Oh, this is paradise: a large, unknown size, the most beautiful acorn is almost in the hands of a squirrel, her happiness knows no bounds. It remains only to open the gates of paradise, and the golden acorn will belong to her. But no - this is only a fleeting vision, and she again returns to her search.

Wrong moment
Wrong moment

In one short film "Ice Age" the squirrel finally achieved the result - such a long-awaited and desired nut in her hands. Her happiness is boundless. But here, out of nowhere, a beautiful squirrel. This is true love. And here's the bad luck - she also wants a nut. How to choose here: love or dream? The squirrel, of course, chooses the nut, but suddenly the beauty falls into the abyss. And then a gentleman takes the mountain, who, it turns out, settled inside the squirrel, and she rushes to help, jumping into a cliff. But there is no limit to the deceit of women, the beauty turned out to be a flying squirrel. She quickly grabs a nutand soars on its wings. All this was just to take away our hero's treasure.

Rescue of a mysterious stranger
Rescue of a mysterious stranger

Fearless superhero

In each episode of the short film "Ice Age" more and more adventures await the squirrel. Our hero is not afraid to fight even with piranhas, just to get his dream. For his acorn, the squirrel quickly cracks down on all predators. She fearlessly fights with all earthly elements, is not afraid of fire, floods, any earthly cataclysms. She is a true superhero.

Short films about the squirrel from "Ice Age" are worth seeing not only for children, but also for the older generation. This cartoon should be watched by the whole family, it will always cheer you up, will not leave any viewer indifferent. We hope that the producers of this cartoon will delight us with new and funny adventures of the squirrel.
