The best Russian dramas: description

The best Russian dramas: description
The best Russian dramas: description

In our article we will look at the best Russian dramas. Films from different years will be described. It is possible that some picture will appeal to you. You can watch movies like this on your day off with your friends.


Danila, discharged from the army, returns to his hometown. Life in the province does not seem very promising to him. Under pressure from his mother, the guy goes to St. Petersburg. His older brother settled in this city. But he, to Danila's surprise, became a hired killer.

best russian dramas
best russian dramas

Recently, he received a new order for crime boss Round. The older brother asks the younger brother to do the work for him. Danila agrees. From now on, drastic changes await him.


If you are interested in Russian films, the best dramas, then pay attention to the film "Boomer". All events take place in the late nineties. "Boomer" is an adventure of four friends - Bones (Kote), Dimon, Rama and Lehi.

Russian dramas list of the best
Russian dramas list of the best

These guys after a gangster showdown steal a very expensive car and drive it around the city in order to hide from persecution. On the way, the guys encounter various realities of the Russianreality. They are waiting for a fight with truckers, a showdown with the local bandits, corruption at different levels, and even local sorcerers-healers.

Inadequate people

If you are interested in the best Russian melodramas, dramas, then pay attention to this picture. The film has three main characters. One of them is the quiet guy Vitalik, who from time to time turns into a real aggressor. The second main character is his neighbor, a bad schoolgirl. The third main character of the picture is the boss of the quiet guy Vitaly.

films Russian dramas the best
films Russian dramas the best

Both his leader and the girl living nearby are not indifferent to the guy. At the same time, a psychologist who is obliged to understand interpersonal relationships, instruct a schoolgirl girl on the true path, himself has some secret inclinations towards not quite normal behavior.


What other top Russian dramas are worth watching? Pay attention to the movie "Cook". The main character is an ordinary Muscovite. This young girl's name is Lena. She lives in an apartment with her parents.

One fine day, a series of troubles occur in this girl's life, causing her ordinary life to collapse. Unfortunately, her parents do not support her in what happened. Therefore, the girl decides to start a new life. Lena moves into her grandmother's empty apartment in St. Petersburg. In this city, the girl gets a job in the social service. There she meets baby Cook. Lena struggles to help a homeless girl. But Kuka is afraid of her, hiding.


Continuing to describe the best Russian dramas, let's talk about the film called "Metro".

The film is based on the novel by Dmitry Safonov. Construction is underway in the center of Moscow. As a result, a crack appears between the stations in one of the subway tunnels. Due to the violation of the tightness of the overlap, water enters the tunnel from the river, as a result of which hundreds of passengers find themselves in trouble. Among these people, the city hospital doctor Garin and his daughter Xenia. The Doctor battles the catastrophe, trying to save those passengers who survived. Among them is his wife's lover. The doctor must survive at all costs in order to return his family, love and a happy life.

Driver for Faith

Telling about the best Russian dramas, it is worth remembering about one more picture. This film is called "Driver for Faith".

The main character is a lieutenant general. He has a daughter who is lame. Of course, a woman with a similar problem is not the most successful party. Even despite the fact that marrying a daughter will allow you to get a person with general epaulettes as a friend.

the best Russian melodramas
the best Russian melodramas

The lieutenant general takes a sergeant from the Kremlin company as a driver for his daughter. The father hopes that he will be able to pass off his Vera for the guy. Victor, on the other hand, is a former orphanage who only dreams of breaking through to the privileged stratum. And fate favors him. He is young, handsome, Vera falls in love with him, makes plans for the future. At the same time, he does not notice the calculation on his part.

Small conclusion

Now you know what Russian dramas you can watch. The list of the best is presented for you in our article. We hope that from this list you will choose the right movie for you to watch.
