The best Soviet dramas: a brief description

The best Soviet dramas: a brief description
The best Soviet dramas: a brief description

Soviet dramas occupy a prominent place not only in domestic, but also in world cinema. Many of them have received international recognition, won a number of prestigious awards and prizes. This genre attracted many famous directors who willingly took on serious plots and original scenarios with a tragic end or a complex story of character relationships.

War and Peace

Some Soviet dramas are dedicated to historical events. The aforementioned film epic has become a landmark event in domestic and world cinema. S. Bondarchuk made the best adaptation of the cult novel by L. Tolstoy.

Soviet dramas
Soviet dramas

The main merit of the director is that he conveyed not only the main plot of the work, but also conveyed to the viewer the philosophical spirit of the book. The large-scale film adaptation has become a kind of encyclopedia on Russian history of the early 19th century for the Western audience. This movie is a benchmark. It has long acquired cult status thanks to its excellent direction, brilliant cast andreliability of the events depicted.


Many Soviet dramas are adaptations of classic works. The mentioned film was based on the play by M. Bulgakov "Days of the Turbins". For its time, this was a breakthrough in cinema, as directors Alov and Naumov staged a very complex and ambiguous film, from the point of view of official ideology. For the first time, representatives of the white movement were shown not as enemies and villains, but as people with their own tragedy and broken life.

The creators of the picture showed how war and defeat devastated many of the best people of the old pre-revolutionary Russia. The embodiment of this idea is the image of the white general Khludov, brilliantly played by the then novice actor V. Dvorzhetsky. Soviet dramas were distinguished by a carefully crafted plot and well-written characters.

Soviet drama films
Soviet drama films

The tragedy of the intelligentsia is shown in the image of the character Golubkov, who was superbly played by A. Batalov. In general, the film turned out to be very strong, reliable, philosophical, as it is, in fact, a reflection on the fate of Russia, the change of eras and human fate in the whirlpool of revolutionary upheavals and civil war.

They fought for the Motherland

Many of the best Soviet dramas are war films. The specified film is a screen version of the story of the same name by M. Sholokhov. The film tells about the retreat of one infantry regiment to Stalingrad before the decisive battle. The picture is interesting in that it presents several heroic soldiers, each of whom has his own story.

Half the movie isdisclosure of characters through their conversations, dialogues, from which the audience learns their biography and characters. The second part is combat scenes showing the characters at critical moments of the enemy's offensive. Each of them is brave in his own way and fights to the last. The key symbol of the ribbon is the military banner, which the regiment carefully keeps during the difficult retreat to the city. In the finale, it is transferred to the commander, which makes the viewer understand about the future victory at Stalingrad.

Moscow does not believe in tears

Many Soviet drama films are still popular with the audience, which indicates the high level of directors' skill and the brilliant acting of the leading roles. The mentioned film is known not only in our country, but also in the West, as it received the prestigious Oscar.

the best soviet dramas
the best soviet dramas

The tape tells about the difficult fate of three friends who, despite all life's difficulties and troubles, have maintained friendship and respect for each other. The difficult fate of the main character runs like a red thread through the whole story, who single-handedly raised her daughter, made her own way to life and, in the end, found personal happiness.
