Nikita Prozorovsky: biography and filmography

Nikita Prozorovsky: biography and filmography
Nikita Prozorovsky: biography and filmography

Nikita Yuryevich Prozorovsky - Russian theater, film and television actor, famous for his work in voice acting, gave his voice to the characters of many films, TV series and computer games. Musician bard. One of the most recognizable voices among Russian-speaking viewers. Over the twenty years of his career as a dubbing actor, he voiced several hundred characters.

Voice acting for films and series

Nikita Semenov-Prozorovsky (often found under the name Nikita Prozorovsky) was born on October 17, 1955. After graduating from the Shchukin Theater Institute, he began working at the Taganka Theater and acting in films and TV shows.

However, the real fame came to the actor thanks to his unique voice. In the mid-nineties, he began working as a dubbing actor. He voiced the characters of Joey and Ross in the series "Friends", also worked on the creation of Russian voice acting for popular television projects "Malcolm in the Middle", "Lost", "Heroes", "Dexter", "The Mentalist",Sherlock, House of Cards and War and Peace. He also voiced a huge number of animated series.

At a fan meeting
At a fan meeting

Nikita Prozorovsky voiced a huge number of films both for rental and old films to be shown on television. Often voices characters played by British actor Gary Oldman, in particular, he gave his voice to Commissioner Gordon in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. Today he works on dubbing several films a year, the voice of Nikita Prozorovsky can be heard in almost every major blockbuster, as well as in prestigious dramas that claim the highest awards.

Voice acting for computer games

Nikita Prozorovsky started working on voice acting for computer games back in the late nineties, giving his voice to one of the characters in the Fallout role-playing game. Later, he was loved by many game fans thanks to the voice acting of the legendary character Agent 47 from the Hitman series of games. He voiced the mysterious hero G-man in the Half Life series of games. In recent years, he often works on the voice acting of the Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed games. Also, the actor can be heard in the successful games The Witcher 3, Hearthstone and Warcraft. In general, for twenty years remains one of the most sought-after dubbing actors in the industry, working on all major releases.

musical performance
musical performance

Also took part in the creation of original Russian games, in particular, quests fromcompany "Buka", a third-person action game "Death to Spies" and Ukrainian games about the adventures of the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes.

Television and acting career

In addition to participating in the dubbing of films and series, Nikita Prozorovsky also works as the "voice" of some TV channels, at various times he collaborated with NTV, Channel 8, Discovery and Nickelodeon. He acted as a narrator in the Crime Chronicles program and voiced several documentaries.

During the speech
During the speech

Also, the actor can be seen on the screen, but here his career is not going so well. Nevertheless, in the filmography of Nikita Prozorovsky you can find such popular Russian TV series as "March of the Turkish", "Soldiers" and "Lawyer".
