Nikita Zverev: filmography, biography, personal life

Nikita Zverev: filmography, biography, personal life
Nikita Zverev: filmography, biography, personal life

Popular theater and film actor Nikita Zverev began his career with a theater group, where his mother took him when he was twelve. It was there that he found his calling, but after graduating from school he still doubted and thought for a long time in which direction to move on. The filmography of Nikita Zverev now has dozens of successful works, and the fans of his talent cannot be counted at all. Read about how his life path developed in the article.

nikita zverev
nikita zverev

The childhood of the future actor

Nikita Zverev was born in a creative family in July 1973. His father was the head of traveling circus groups throughout the USSR, and his mother was a graduate of the Institute of Culture, but devoted her life to her family and children. In addition to Nikita, the Zverevs had three more children - daughter Christina and sons Anton and Alexei (now everyone has become businessmen).

Nikita grew up as an active boy, his indefatigable energy had to be foundapplication, so my mother took her son to a theater group. Often, the son and his brothers practiced their acting skills at home, putting on performances for family members.


After graduating from school, Nikita Zverev for a long time could not decide what to devote his life to. He tried himself as a clown and an aerialist in a circus, but numerous injuries (problems with the spine, concussion, tendon ruptures) forever discouraged him from gymnastics. Then Nikita worked at a construction site, as a bouncer in a restaurant, and even tried to organize his own business in the computer industry. But still, the guy felt that it was all wrong and he had a different path. Remembering his school years and classes in a theater group, Nikita decided to become an actor.

Filmography of Nikita Zverev
Filmography of Nikita Zverev

After studying for only a month at the Shchepkin M. S. School, Zverev dropped out of school. He explained his act very simply - he was not interested there. As the actor recalls, the decision came to him during one of the first classes, when the teacher made the students line up and shout “Good afternoon!” The future actor decided to continue his studies at GITIS in the workshop of Pyotr Naumovich Fomenko. GITIS became a real “alma mater” for Nikita, where he received a good base for his future profession and still remembers his teacher with great respect. In 2001, Zverev received a diploma of higher education.

Career start

In 2001, aspiring actor Zverev Nikita got a job at the Moscow Theater Studio of Oleg TabakovPavlovich. It so happened that the master was present at the graduation performance of Zverev and, noting the talent of the young guy, decided to invite him to his "Snuffbox". There Nikita worked for more than four years, played in such performances as "From Thursday to Thursday", "Long Christmas Lunch", "Ideal Husband", "At the Bottom", "Synchron", "Arcadia" and many others. His career in the theater seemed swift and predictable, but Zverev made an unexpected decision for everyone - to leave the theater. And all because the actor wanted independence, he wanted to achieve more. In Snuffbox, he always had to adapt to famous actors, be content with secondary roles.

actor Zverev Nikita
actor Zverev Nikita

Free swimming

Zverev considers his first mentor Oleg Tabakov to be the main motivating person in his life. The actor is sure that if it were not for Oleg Pavlovich, he would have remained a gray, boring and inconspicuous actor. And the presence in the acting career of such a person obliges to conquer new heights, to achieve real success. The filmography of Nikita Zverev during this period of his life begins to replenish with new works. One of the notable roles of the actor was his hero Vasily Koltsov in the film "The Talisman of Love", a kind, sympathetic, but sometimes quick-tempered person. The role was given to Zverev easily, and the audience remembered him as a reliable and strong man. The actor strengthened the created image in the next series called "Russian Translation", where he played Andrei Obnorsky. This role has already been played by well-known actors - Alexander Domogarov and Andrei Sokolov. But inthis time the director wanted to see a young, strong, attractive and, most importantly, little-known actor on the set. Zverev was perfect in every way.

biography of nikita zverev
biography of nikita zverev

In general, in two years (2005-2006) Nikita managed to play in eight films. In addition to the Talisman of Love and Russian Translation, he appeared as Igor Shcheglov in the film Shadow Fight, was a bodyguard in the film Nine Unknowns, played the role of Captain Bobrov in the film Multiplying Sorrow, appeared in the image of a special forces soldier in Stormgate and appeared in an episode of Martha and Her Puppies.

2007 and 2008 presented the audience with new film projects with the participation of Zverev. He could be seen in the role of Butov in The Return of the Turkish, as Viktor Kromin in the film Love on the Edge of a Knife. The attractive and courageous image of Mikhail in Relatives and Friends was also remembered by the audience. In addition, he played Victor Sukhanov in the films “Stronger than Fire” and “Not a Step Back”, Dmitry Kozyrev in the film “The Gift of God”, biathlete Dobrynin Vladimir Petrovich in “Blue Nights”, as well as a successful businessman Kazak Yevgeny in “Cossacks -robbers.”

Main Role

In 2008, Nikita Zverev's filmography was replenished with the film "Lace", where he played a major role. Zverev appeared in the image of an experienced journalist Potapov Kirill - an intelligent, collected, attractive and purposeful person. All the characters of the actor are to some extent similar to him. In life, he is just as reliable, responsible, responsive and a little shy younghuman. Like all his characters, Nikita has a sense of justice, a sense and understanding of the defenselessness and weakness of a woman.

personal life of nikita zverev
personal life of nikita zverev

Other film roles

The arsenal of a successful actor now has more than thirty works in the cinema. In addition to the above films with his participation, the audience could already see others: “In the Pursuit of Happiness”, “Andreyka”, “Second Chance”, “Rat”, “The Story of a Convict”, “Territory of Beauty”, “Heavenly Court”, “Wicked Daughter-in-Law”, “Kiss of Fate”, “Late Repentance” and many others.

Theatrical work

The biography of Nikita Zverev shows that he successfully manages to combine work on the set with a theatrical career. Since 2005, he has been part of the acting team of the Anton Pavlovich Chekhov Moscow Art Theater and at the same time plays on the stage of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop Theater. Among the performances in which Zverev Nikita took part, the following should be especially noted: “The Cabal of the Svyatosh” (according to Mikhail Bulgakov), “Old World Landowners” (according to N. V. Gogol), “The White Guard” (according to M. Bulgakov) and “Gedda Gabler directed by Karbauskis.

Nikita Zverev's wife
Nikita Zverev's wife

Family and personal life

Nikita claims that he is a very amorous man. Memories of first love always bring a smile to his face. His first love was a twenty-eight-year-old woman, despite the fact that he himself was only five. He kissed her hands and dreamed of a wedding.

Nikita Zverev's personal life has never been a secret to the press. It is known that he wasmarried once and divorced. His first wife was a colleague Yulia Zhigalina, who in 2005 gave birth to Nikita's child.

Now Nikita Zverev's wife is Julia Mavrina, his colleague in the film "Territory of Beauty", where Zverev played the surgeon Fedor. As the actor recalls, love broke out between them on the set and it was very difficult for him to hide it. The director all the time asked Nikita to be tougher with Yulia, since their heroes are antagonists, but his sparkling eyes in love all the time betrayed him. Nikita Zverev and Yulia Mavrina are raising their daughter Yulia from their first marriage.

Character traits

Nikita Zverev and Yulia Mavrina
Nikita Zverev and Yulia Mavrina

The actor, despite being widely known and popular, remains a modest person. He claims that he has not yet bought a car for himself and rides the subway. He is glad that his appearance is ordinary and people rarely recognize him. With a smile, he says that only sometimes passers-by look intently at his face and probably think that he did repairs in their house.

Nikita does not like to stand out, wears ordinary inexpensive comfortable clothes, does not like anything that restricts movement and presses the throat, especially ties, scarves and turtlenecks. And he is not a supporter of jewelry, he considers chains around his neck, rings, bracelets and watches to be an empty and useless waste of money.

In his free time, the actor tries to keep his body in shape - visits the pool and practices yoga with his wife. But he admits that for a long time he cannot give up his addiction - smoking.

Whether in jest or seriously, Nikita claims thatpossesses extrasensory abilities - he sees the energy of people and can even predict their fate. Therefore, Zverev will not be upset if the crisis in the country forces him to abandon the cinema if they stop making him. Smiling, he says that he will always find something to do and how to make money.
