How to draw a palace - scenery for a puppet theater

How to draw a palace - scenery for a puppet theater
How to draw a palace - scenery for a puppet theater

Palaces are different - historical fortresses, fairy-tale castles or medieval strongholds. Whether you're researching the past, reading a book about wizards with your child, or watching a fantasy movie, you might ask the question, "How do you draw a palace?"

Depicting this building in all its splendor is within the power of a person who is well versed in art, but everyone can make scenery in the form of a fairy-tale castle for their own puppet theater. And how much happiness home productions bring to children! Or maybe you just want to draw with your baby an illustration for a bedtime story read? In any case, creativity with children is always productive and great for the development of the baby. So, consider how to draw a palace with a pencil.

how to draw a palace
how to draw a palace

Preparatory stage

To get started, let's select all the necessary materials: paper, pencils and colored pencils, an eraser, paints (gouache, watercolor) - and proceed to the image. How to draw a palace, what to do? First of all, you need to turnPlease note that it is a residential building of very complex architecture. Therefore, when determining the place on the sheet, it is necessary to take into account the height of the roofs of the turrets, which will be at different levels. For the correct placement of the drawing on the sheet, it is better to determine in advance how many tiers the palace structure will have. In our case, there are three.

It is best to place the future building in the middle of the sheet, stepping back a little from its bottom part. To get started, draw a vertical line in the center of the intended image. Its top is slightly deviated from the middle of the sheet. This will be the tallest tower in our building. At this preparatory stage is completed. Let's move on to creating the building itself.

Picture Sequence

The main part of the turrets at our castle will be round, and the roof will be in the shape of a cone. In order to consider how to draw a palace with a pencil, we will decompose the process step by step:

  1. First let's designate the roof of the central turret, as it will be the highest point of the palace. It is a figure resembling a triangle, but with slightly concave side faces and a semicircular bottom. With the help of this image we will set the volume of our tower.
  2. Similarly, draw a small triangle of the end of the additional turret a little to the left of the central one, which is partially hidden behind it. Let's place one more similar figure below, and another - to the right of the central element.
  3. how to draw a palace step by step
    how to draw a palace step by step
  4. Now we have the top level ready. Let's proceed to the distribution of the lower turrets. For this we will again usewith a vertical line and in the center draw a roof according to the previous scheme.
  5. To the left and to the right of it, draw two more pointed peaks of the tower, which are slightly behind.
  6. how to draw a palace with a pencil
    how to draw a palace with a pencil
  7. Now connect with straight lines that will depict the walls of the turrets, the roof and the bottom of the picture.
  8. Let's draw lines and from the upper triangles as shown in the illustration.
  9. how to draw a palace with a pencil step by step
    how to draw a palace with a pencil step by step

If you follow in order the description of how to draw a palace in stages, by this point you should already have the basis of the future building. It only takes a little to complete it: highlight small elements and add colors, so let's continue.

Draw details

A distinctive feature of the fairytale palace is a lot of small details. To give our image a more believable look, we need to draw windows in all the turrets and a door that resembles a gate. They can be depicted as semicircular, rectangular and additionally decorated with ornaments, and draw curtains in the window openings. The result will be favorably different if all the details are done in the same style. That is, both windows and doors should be drawn in a similar manner.

how to draw a palace
how to draw a palace

Draw a lot of flags on the pointed tops of the roofs. And how to draw a palace so that it is clear who lives in it? Everything is very simple! At your discretion, you can depict not only flags fluttering in the wind, but also, for example, stars and the moon (and thenyou get the castle of an astrologer or a wizard). Or maybe it will be snowflakes or ice crystals? It will turn out very similar to the house of the snow queen.

Shutting down

At the final stage of work, all auxiliary lines are removed, the background is drawn - the area in which the castle is located. It can be green hills and a garden surrounding the palace. Or is your building located on a high cliff, at the very edge of the abyss, against the backdrop of an azure sky? It all depends on the imagination. The last part of the work is adding tone - for this you can use colored pencils, watercolors or gouache paints or wax crayons.

how to draw a palace with a pencil
how to draw a palace with a pencil

Well, now you know how to draw a palace, which will be a great decoration for puppet shows or make dreams of a fairy tale come true.
