How does a bookmaker work? What is a bookmaker and how to beat it

How does a bookmaker work? What is a bookmaker and how to beat it
How does a bookmaker work? What is a bookmaker and how to beat it

Almost all novice players who are just learning betting ask themselves: “What is a bookmaker’s office and can it be beaten?” We confidently answer: “Yes!” There are players who have regular income from bets. But they are only 2%. The remaining 98% are the losers. Why is that? Everything is simple. 2% of successful players understand that one desire is not enough to make money. First you need to thoroughly study the theory, and then show diligence, resourcefulness and discipline. Only then will there be profit. 98% of players either do not understand this or do not know. In this article, we will find out what a bookmaker is. We will also tell you how to win against her.

Betting from the inside

First of all, let's answer the question: "What is a bookmaker's office?" This is an organization that bets on various events with players. It is designed in such a way that it will always make a profit. And for her, winnings and losses of players are not important. The main thing is to give the correct odds for the events. As we said above, the majority of players who do not even ask themselves the question: “The bookmakeroffice - what is it?”, They will still lose. And the organization does not mind paying the remaining 2%.

what is bookmaker
what is bookmaker

Three whales of betting

So, you got the answer to the question: “What is a bookmaker’s office?” Let's figure out how to beat her. Stable earnings on rates are based on three pillars of professional betting: money management, analytics and rate analysis. Let's take them in order.

1. Money management

Its essence is that you need to determine for yourself the amount that you can spend on bets during the season. Think of it as an investment in your business. Losing this money should not cause you discomfort. You also need to decide in advance what percentage of the winnings you will withdraw. It is impossible to randomly withdraw funds from the deposit for current needs.

2. Analytics

The bookmaker gives you the opportunity to bet on different sports, but you must choose only one for yourself. The main thing is to understand it well. Although a beginner will be enough and superficial knowledge. Over time, your analytical skills will improve. We do not recommend spraying on several sports. Nothing good will come of it.

3. Rate Analysis

It is very important to analyze your bets. This will help you adjust your gaming strategy and avoid mistakes in the future.

what is a bookmaker
what is a bookmaker

Sports Prediction

You have learned the three main rules of successful betting. Now let's talk about the three components of goodsports prediction. These are statistics, analytics and intuition.

1. Statistics

To make a sports forecast, you need a starting point. Players who know what a bookmaker is most often choose game statistics as a starting point. It helps to objectively assess the strength of teams or individual players. But don't get too deep into it. The most valuable statistics are the last 4-5 games. There are some nuances in the analysis of certain sports. For example, in football it is important to compare the lineup shown in the statistics and the lineup selected to play in the upcoming event. By the way, when setting odds, bookmakers rely on statistical indicators. And the more accurate the odds, the more they will earn. In this regard, the Olymp organization (a bookmaker in Kazakhstan) works very well.

bookmaker betting
bookmaker betting

2. Analytics

This is the main term that determines the correctness of the forecast. Analyzing an event involves looking at the factors that influence the outcome of a game. They are divided into two types: indirect and direct. The first are various circumstances that indirectly affect the outcome of the event. For example: a sudden change in the weather, the behavior of fans, injuries, etc. They are almost impossible to predict, so when making a forecast, it is not necessary to take these factors into account. Much more interesting is the second type - straight lines. Just this information must be included in your own forecasts.

What are direct factors? This is the state of the players before the start of the game (well-being and their strength), fighting spirit,motivation, risk of injury (injured players), interpersonal relationships of team members, etc.

bookmaker's office
bookmaker's office

3. Intuition

All professional bettors have a well-developed intuition. They just need to look at the line provided by the bookmaker (bets in it vary from 1 to 10,000,000 rubles), and they can indirectly determine the outcome of the event. So listen to your inner voice. On the other hand, one should not blindly obey him. It is worth considering intuition only as the final touch of your forecast. With experience, it will steadily develop. This can be seen after the first 100 predictions. Surely there will be situations when you find an event in the line with good odds and a clearly predictable outcome. At the same time, an inner voice will call you not to bet. Listen to him and give up your intentions!


We hope you no longer have the question: “What is a bookmaker’s office?” Use the information from the article and make bets your permanent income. Good luck!
