"The thirteenth labor of Heracles". Iskander F.A

"The thirteenth labor of Heracles". Iskander F.A
"The thirteenth labor of Heracles". Iskander F.A

It was Iskander's "The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules" and several other stories about childhood that became the beginning of his prose. All these works are small and touching. But the moral questions they raise are far from childish.

thirteenth feat of hercules iskander
thirteenth feat of hercules iskander

The stories deal with the concepts of deceit, honor and dishonor, cowardice, dignity and betrayal. Appeal to childhood does not make them less important, but only brings them closer to the reader.

Instructive nature of the story

And in this little work the author remains true to himself. From the beginning to the very last line, humor permeates it. But, despite the cheerful mood, the story "The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules" by Iskander is quite instructive. It makes the reader think about many serious and important questions. Everyone must decide for himself what a feat is and how courage and cowardice can be combined in one person. Concluding the story "The thirteenth feat of Hercules", Iskander leads the reader to the idea that courage can be different. It turns out that moral and physical courage do not always coincide in a person. So,having the strength of the body, he can be a coward when solving vital problems.

fazil iskander the thirteenth feat of hercules
fazil iskander the thirteenth feat of hercules

"The thirteenth feat of Hercules." Iskander. Summary: new teacher

Greek by nationality Kharlampy Diogenovich appeared at school on September 1st. Before that, no one had heard of him. He taught arithmetic and was, in contrast to the generally accepted idea of mathematicians, a neat and collected person. There was always exemplary silence in the lessons of Kharlampy Diogenovich, he never raised his voice, did not threaten, and at the same time managed to keep the whole class in his hands.

"The thirteenth feat of Hercules." Iskander. Summary: Case with the main character

No one had privileges over Kharlampy Diogenovich. Not escaped the fate of being in a ridiculous position and the main character. One day he didn't do his homework. The solution to the problem did not match the answer. The boy was studying on the second shift and came an hour before the start of the lesson.

story the thirteenth feat of Hercules Iskander
story the thirteenth feat of Hercules Iskander

When it turned out that the classmate had not solved the problem either, he finally calmed down. The students divided into teams and went to play football at the stadium. Already in class, Sakharov, an excellent student, said that he had solved the problem, and his answer agreed. Kharlampy Diogenovich appeared at the door and proceeded to his place. The protagonist noticed that even his neighbor on the desk, the quiet Adolf Komarov (who called himself Alik so that no one would compare him with Hitler, since the war was on) solved this problem.

Fazil Iskander:"The thirteenth labor of Hercules". Summary: "Saving" vaccination

A nurse came into the classroom, she was looking for 5 "A", but got into 5 "B". The protagonist volunteered to show where the children are who need to be vaccinated against typhus. On the way, he told the doctor that after this lesson, their class was going on an organized excursion to the local history museum. They return to 5B. There, at the blackboard, Shurik Avdeenko had already written three actions of the problem, but could not explain the solution. The nurse vaccinated all the students, but the lesson did not end. Kharlampy Diogenovich said that in this class there was a man who decided to surpass Hercules and perform another feat, the thirteenth. After these words, he called the protagonist to the board and asked him to explain the solution to the problem. But the boy, even from what was on the blackboard, could not figure out where to start. Of course, he got a bad mark, but from that moment he began to take homework more seriously. And he also understood the teacher's method: to temper the souls of children with laughter, to teach them to treat themselves with a share of humor.
