Arabian belly dancing is a fascinating art

Arabian belly dancing is a fascinating art
Arabian belly dancing is a fascinating art

The East is an amazing part of the world, although it can be said that it is a completely separate world. Arab belly dances have long gone beyond the borders of their homeland and delight the inhabitants of the western lands. No wonder there are so many people who want to learn this ancient and fascinating art lately.

arabic belly dancing
arabic belly dancing

What does this dance give?

Arabian belly dancing is considered by many to be simply the art of seduction or an ancient form of entertainment. Signs consider it a unique healing system for a woman. And they are right because:

  • Arabic belly dancing trains all the muscles of the body, including those that are rarely used in life;
  • allow you to achieve a perfect figure, elastic abdomen, smooth gait, majestic posture;
  • with its help you can control your weight without torturing yourself with grueling workouts;
  • Arabian belly dancing increases libido;
  • like all rhythmic movements to music, bellydance is uplifting;
  • training improves flexibility, plasticity, allows you to control breathing;
  • helps loosen up.

These are just a few of the benefits that a girl who decides to enroll in an oriental dance master gets.


Arabian belly dance is an exciting spectacle and a lot of fun for the performer. There are several varieties of this art. Consider them.

Classic. This is a dance based on basic movements with a small part of the inclusion of folklore elements. The performer can use only two accessories - a shawl and cymbals. For this type of beilidance, a classic costume is used, consisting of a wide skirt, bodice and belt with a hinge

arabic belly dance
arabic belly dance
  • Folk (or folklore) dance contains many elements that are specific to a certain area. This can apply to both movements and costumes, music.
  • Show. This is a demonstration dance that can combine elements of different styles, support, acrobatic stunts. All kinds of accessories, different costumes are welcome.
  • Variety dance can also contain different elements, but bellydance movements remain the main ones. Can be performed to pop music of Eastern performers.
  • Tabla solo is a dance performed to the beat of drums with the possible inclusion of instrumental music.

Of course, reading about this ancient art is not as interesting as watching it performed!
