Belly dancing for beginners will help a woman become even more seductive

Belly dancing for beginners will help a woman become even more seductive
Belly dancing for beginners will help a woman become even more seductive

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Belly dancing is a great way to express yourself. This is also a great way to attract your beloved man. Belly dance lessons for beginners will help you master this art in a few lessons.

There are plenty of reasons to get fit in your body, the main thing is not to delay, but to start exercising right now.

belly dance lessons for beginners
belly dance lessons for beginners


Belly dancing for beginners, as well as for professionals, begins with a light warm-up. It is necessary in order to warm up the muscles. If it is neglected, then you can get stretching or even dislocation. Warm up 10 minutes. You need to walk in place, make a few light circular movements with your hands. With your hands on your belt, do the tilts to the right and left for a couple of minutes. The forward and backward bends will help prepare the spine, leg muscles and abs for the main part of the session.

Basic exercises

belly dance for beginners
belly dance for beginners


Belly dance for beginners includes one of the main exercises - the "eight". First you need to presentmentally horizontal eight and stand in its center. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart, the right thigh is slightly forward. They need to sort of draw on the right half of the imaginary figure eight. In this case, the heels cannot be torn off the floor. Performing the exercise, the thigh is retracted as far back as possible. Now the same manipulations are carried out with the left thigh to the left side. Movements are made both back and forth. Perform them at a slow pace, like almost all the exercises included in belly dancing for beginners. A woman should enjoy the movement, rejoice at how beautifully she turns out.


Performing the next exercise, the dancer imagines not a figure eight, but a circle and herself - in the middle of this figure. The back is very straight. Now the buttocks are included in the work. They are, as it were, carried out along the back line of the circle with a maximum amplitude in turn in both directions. At the same time, the stomach is drawn in.

Education. Belly dance for beginners
Education. Belly dance for beginners

Swing chair

Belly dance lessons for beginners include the rocking exercise. The girl stands on her toes, bending her knees slightly. Legs are together. The hips are on the move. Then the left, then the right thigh rises up in turn. The upper body must remain still.


In order for the training to be as effective as possible, belly dancing for beginners also includes the “dome” exercise. Performing it, the charmer should feel her muscles, then it will turn out not only correctly, but also beautifully. First you need to strongly inflate the stomach, and then also forcefully pull it intomyself. The first time is performed 5-6 times at a slow pace, gradually increasing the number to 15-20, moving to a faster pace. Breathing is free, but it cannot be accelerated or held.

From time to time, the movements will become more and more harmonious and plastic. Gradually, you need to include hands in the complex, let them imitate the movements of the sea wave. After a few sessions, there will be more complex exercises on the shoulder, such as “wave”, “peach” and others.

Belly dance for beginners will help a lady become more plastic, remove extra centimeters on problematic female areas and bewitch her beloved man so that he will always look only at her!
