Landscape architecture: definition, features, styles and interesting facts

Landscape architecture: definition, features, styles and interesting facts
Landscape architecture: definition, features, styles and interesting facts

Most likely, there will not be a person who would not pay attention to the alleys of parks, squares and boulevards ennobled with sculptures and objects of living and inanimate nature. Their beauty can evoke certain feelings and moods in a person. And if this happens, special thanks to landscape designers who create masterpieces of landscape architecture.

Decoration of dwellings and the area adjacent to them was done thousands of years ago, as evidenced by artifacts found during excavations in various places on the globe, or drawings on papyri and reliefs on stones.

Landscape Art Styles

Landscape architecture, as one of the areas of architecture, forms an aesthetically improved environment for people's life and recreation. It was formed over the centuries and never existed on its own, it was always part of the culture of society and a reflection of the era.

Currently there are five styles, you cansay, the creation of nature and man:

  • Regular style.
  • Landscape style.
  • Muslim gardens.
  • Landscape gardens of China.
  • Japanese gardens.

Let's take a closer look at each of the styles.

regular style
regular style

Palace and park ensemble

The so-called regular style belongs to the forms of landscape architecture. It is also called the palace and park ensemble. The world-famous residence of the French king Louis XIV - Versailles - was decorated in this style. A new approach to the formation of park architecture is the merit of the master of landscape art Andre Le Nôtre (1613-1700). When forming the Versailles complex, everything was taken into account in order to impress the exquisite public with the grandeur of the composition and beautiful plants that retain their trimmed shape for a long time. Struck by the beauty of the residence of the French king, many European monarchs imitated this style in the arrangement of their country palaces.

The style is appropriate in our time in country residences, where guests are received, who need to be surprised by the refinement of taste and the prosperity of the owners.

English landscape style

Landscape style originated in England in the 18th century during the Enlightenment. The spiritual aspiration of society is expressed in the slogan of the French philosopher, writer and thinker of this era, Jean-Jacques Rousseau - "Back to nature." Works of architecture, urban planning and gardening art personified this idea - "a natural person against the backdrop of natural nature".

The meaning of the landscape style was to copy nature. This style creates private gardens and large public parks, such as the Bois de Boulogne. It was created in the middle of the 19th century by the famous architects Alphen and Hausmann. Garden and park architecture in Russia had its own characteristics in the landscape style, expressed in the formation of monastic gardens.

landscape style
landscape style

The acquaintance of European countries with the culture of China in the 18th century influenced the ideas of the formation of gardens and parks indirectly, touching only the outer side of Chinese philosophy. Bridges, pavilions and pavilions could be observed in the arrangement of park areas. The symbolism and simplicity of Chinese philosophy became clear to Europeans in the 20th century.

Nowadays, landscape designers in landscape style carry out the planning of country houses and cottages. To create a natural natural area, the designer must have a truly delicate taste.

Muslim garden architecture

Architecture and gardening art of Muslim gardens is reduced to the formation of a paradise on earth. The Muslim garden was formed by the organizers in compliance with the laws of Islam. The basis of the garden was a space consisting of four squares delimited by paths. In the centers of the squares there were always either fountains or pools lined with marble and ceramic tiles.

In Spain, which was under Arab influence for a long time, Muslim gardens were also laid, but Moorish gardens appeared over time. They were like large open-air rooms, entwined with lashes.roses and vines. The main decoration of the garden were ponds, flowers and spices.

Muslim gardens
Muslim gardens

Chinese Garden Philosophy

If you turn to history, you can find out that already in the II century BC. e. in China, along with the construction of palaces and temples, the first gardens arose around them. The layout of the gardens was free (not interfering with nature, but admiring nature) and was in harmony with buildings and structures. Everything, thanks to the skillful creators of landscape gardening architecture, was subordinated to one goal - finding a viewpoint from where a view of a beautiful landscape opened up.

Chinese creators of natural looking gardens shaped them according to their philosophy:

  • Laughing garden - bright with flowers and fresh greens, a babbling brook. This garden gives positive emotions to those who come to relax in it.
  • The menacing garden is gloomy, with dark foliage on the trees, sometimes broken and bizarre. Outwardly, he is like a corner of the forest, which is hidden from human eyes.
  • An idyllic garden is a complete harmony in everything: trees, flowers, ponds where you can relax and take a walk.
Landscape gardens of China
Landscape gardens of China

Different parks and gardens in Japan

In Japan, a direction in the development of gardening art was formed under the influence of the idea of forming gardens in China. But over time, the main essence of the Japanese garden was revised. Japanese architect Makoto Nakamura emphasized that the beauty of the garden is in its miniaturization, symbolism and obedience to the rules of

The symbolism used in Japanese garden designs can be understood by a trained person who knows the meaning of these symbols. Landscapes of the garden should change each other according to certain rules, and the plants in the garden should be selected so as to emphasize the individuality of the owner.

Japanese garden
Japanese garden

Japanese gardens include rocky gardens created according to certain rules. They come for contemplation and meditations of enlightenment. There are tea ceremony gardens, in which, following certain rules, paths of stone slabs are laid out, towering above the ground. Walking on these slabs with a cup of tea, you "drink" the beauty of the garden.

There are many more styles of gardens and parks that are lesser known and have not had a significant impact on the styles common today.
