"Return to Sender": movie reviews, plot, actors

"Return to Sender": movie reviews, plot, actors
"Return to Sender": movie reviews, plot, actors

Return to Sender is a film directed by American director Foad Mikati. According to the scenario, a young girl, preparing for a blind date, mistakenly lets the wrong man into her house. Being raped by an unbalanced outcast who has been following her for a long time, she receives a severe psychological trauma. Throughout the film, the victim visits the rapist in prison in an attempt to overcome his fear, which eventually develops into something more than just a desire for revenge.

Reviews of the film to return to the sender
Reviews of the film to return to the sender

Reviews of the film "Return to Sender" are quite diverse. Some express admiration for the acting of the actors, especially Shiloh Fernandez. Others advise returning the film to the director so that he can “revise it himself” and think about his mistakes.

Stockholm syndrome

The history of crimes is full of stories about how, being in the clutches of maniacs, the victims, having received a strong emotional shock, began to feel warm feelings for them. The heroine of the film, having been subjected to violence, it would seem, begins to gradually fall in love with a man whoabused her. She visits him in prison with enviable regularity, asks about the conditions of his detention, and after his release she even lets him into the territory of her house and allows him to help with repairs.

return movie reviews to sender
return movie reviews to sender

In reviews of the film "Return to Sender", many note the illogicality and absurdity of Rosemound Pike's actions. However, after watching the film to the end, the viewer will be able to put everything in its place.

Reviews of the audience about the movie "Return to Sender"

Almost all viewers compare the film with "Gone Girl", where the main role belonged to the same Rosemund Pike. They say that her previous work was head and shoulders above, but this opinion is rather the result of an ambiguous plot that is not revealed until the last minutes of the film.

return the film to the sender feedback from viewers
return the film to the sender feedback from viewers

However, compared to previous films by Foad Mikati, such as "Infernal Endgame", reviews of the film "Return to Sender" are significantly better.

Opinions divided

The major controversy in reviews of Return to Sender revolves around the acting and the ending. Someone expresses endless admiration for the magnetic Rosemund Pike and the handsome Shiloh Fernandez, someone, on the contrary, calls their actions illogical. It would seem, is it possible to have warm feelings for someone who broke into your house by deceit, left no living place on you, inflicted physical and moral injuries, jeopardized your career, and now smiles at you through the glassprison negotiations room? But the ending will put everything in its place, at the same time putting it in an even greater impasse.

Reviews from critics about the film "Return to Sender" are very disappointing. On the Kinopoisk website, he got a rating of only 5.2. However, they talk about it, watch it, discuss it.

film return to sender review by critics
film return to sender review by critics

Despite the rather mixed reviews of Return to Sender, it's undeniable that everyone is talking about a story that "holds" from start to finish. Although the acting is ambiguous (Rosmund Pike is generally famous for his roles in rather “strange pictures”), the professionalism of the actors cannot be in doubt. The movie is definitely not for everyone. Perhaps the ending is capable of shocking and even disgusting. But despite all this, Return to Sender is a peculiar and interesting film worth watching.
