What is language in art: the emergence and interpretation of the term

What is language in art: the emergence and interpretation of the term
What is language in art: the emergence and interpretation of the term

Not only man has the ability to speak. Everything around us can transmit information.

what is language in art
what is language in art

For example, art. Whether it is a painting, a sculpture, a literary text or a dance, they speak to us in their own special language. It is not always easy to know him, but it is he who opens up new facets and possibilities for understanding the world before a person. You will learn more about what language is in art in this article.

Term Definition

To understand what language is in art, a more detailed interpretation of the term will help. This is a complex of visual and expressive means formed in the process of historical development, thanks to which an artistic image is built.

Reason for appearance

The question of what is language in art has become one of the most urgent problems for modern philosophy of art. He found himself in connection with postmodernism's radical change in direction.attention in this area. If the classical tradition considered the problem of creativity, then the modern philosophy of art pays attention to the peculiarities of the perception of a work of art.

Such changes first appeared after the "general science of art" proposed by M. Dessoir. It was focused not on the study and analysis of the process of the emergence and creation of its objects, but on the analysis of those “aesthetic experiences” that appear in the subject who perceives them.

His Manifestation

Style and language in art appear in a special way. They speak with the help of artistic images. In every kind of art, the image manifests itself as a whole set of expressive and material and technical means. It is they who must demonstrate the specific character that a sculpture, dance or painting has.

Main elements

To understand what language is in art, you can use the example of paintings. Here, the expressive means of composition are of particular importance: line, shape, proportions, tone, contrast, structure, color.

Each artist uses them in his own way. It is a reflection of his emotional-sensual and figurative perception of the world.

For example, Van Gogh could not correctly depict the human figure, which is due to the lack of professional art education. This resulted in a fundamental feature of his style, where the outlines were devoid of smooth and graceful movements as an inseparable part of nature, copying it.

style and language in art
style and language in art

Art and its language have a serious impact on a person. Therefore, knowing about it will help you better understand works of art, as well as expand your own horizons.
