John Savage - biography and creativity

John Savage - biography and creativity
John Savage - biography and creativity

Today we will tell you who John Savage is. Films with his participation, as well as features of the biography will be presented below. This American film actor became famous for his participation in the Hollywood films "Hair" and "Onion Field". He also got a role in the cult film The Deer Hunter. Many Russian viewers learned about him thanks to the domestic sports blockbuster "Movement Up". In the United States, this person is known as an artist, producer and composer. He is an active fighter against apartheid. This man interrupted his film career, went to Africa to fight racial segregation, he became Nelson Mandela's personal adviser.

Childhood and youth

John Savage
John Savage

John Savage was born in 1949 on Long Island. Parents Muriel and Floyd had nothing to do with cinema. His father was an insurance agent, during the Second World War he served as a marine in the territoryPacific island of Guadalcanal. Mom provided comfort, and also raised four children.

John had a brother and also two younger sisters. Looking ahead, we can say that all the children in this family have connected their lives with television. Sister Gail and brother Jim became actors. Robin also proved herself as a TV presenter. This is John's second sister.

At birth, the future actor received the surname Youngs, but later he began to use the stage name Savage, which was remembered by millions of viewers. Relatives early discovered creativity in their eldest son. The boy went on the school stage with great pleasure, he followed the performances in the theater with bated breath, to which his parents took their children.

John was trained at a music school. Released at the age of 14, he appeared on the stage of the Broadway theater. The young man replaced the sick actor, playing in the play "Fiddler on the Roof", he got the role of the main character's son.

This work was tiny, but the magic of reincarnation so captivated the young man that he did not even consider other professions. John became a student at the American Dramatic Academy. There he studied acting for two years.


John Savage movies
John Savage movies

John Savage started playing in Broadway theaters. In 1973, when he was 24 years old, the actor went to California to be closer to the "star factory". Soon the young man's career went up. John Savage began appearing on Cade County. After that, John played in the western "Bad Company", the thriller "FromKiller Breeds” and the comedy “Steelyard Blues”.

Private life and modernity

John Savage got married twice. His first wife was the artist Susan Youngs. In this marriage, a daughter, Jennifer, and a son, Lachlen, appeared. The girl followed in her father's footsteps. She is known as the vocalist and actress Jennifer Youngs. The son realized himself as a ceramics artist. The marriage lasted two years. The couple separated in 1969.

Twenty years the actor did not create a new family. However, in the early nineties, he met a South African TV star named Sandy Schultz. The actor lives with her now. In 2017, the actor starred in David Lynch and Mark Frost's mystical series Twin Peaks. He got the role of Detective Clark. He also played in Anton Megerdichev's retrodrama "Move Up".


deer hunter
deer hunter

John in 1978 starred in the film "The Deer Hunter". This is the second feature film directed by Michael Cimino. Its premiere took place five years after American troops were withdrawn from Vietnam. The picture tells about the fate of young Americans who are of Slavic origin, they are called to war.

The actor also starred in the following films: "Hair", "Onion Field", "Beloved Mary", "Salvador", "Hotel Colonial", "Do the right thing", "The Godfather 3", "Berlin - 39", "The Thin Red Line", "Dark Angel", "Carnival", "New World", "Twin Peaks", "Moving Up".
